Chapter 6: Familial Bonding

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A lot happened today. I think this will be the last page I write.

Hours ago I felt like I need to go back to that thing and back to that building. These nightmares and visions won't stop and I don't think they will ever stop unless I confront that thing. And it's also what Marta would've wanted. I must complete her "mission" I guess.

I decided to name that thing... The Beak. Since it has what I think is supposed to be a beak.

I tried to pull Mia. This was the first time I actually interacted with her physically. But she wouldn't budge. Her body was facing the wall but her face was pointed to the right. I still see the air coming in and out of her mask in different phases. Like she was stressed.

I decided to go alone. Mia won't come and definitely no one else. Maria's gone, Mother Nature would be no help, Laurel is facing her demons and Raven still isn't finished. I still remember the track to the place. And I went to it.

With Marta, it felt like it took hours to get there but now it feels like days even though it was still night. I guess Marta was a nice distraction for me but now it's very quiet.

I tried to find her "buried spot" but couldn't find her anywhere. But the building was right there in front of me. And I got closer to it and almost tripped on something.

It was a head of Minnie... I think? The head looked like the creature that killed Marta. A full white head with a purple bow and a long stretched mouth that's barely painted orange. The back of it looked like it was supposed to be connected to something but it fell off.

The building was also a strange sight. It was probably slightly smaller than the other building but it had a tower at the top. It was painted purple with white trims around the edges. A giant hole in the corner of it was right their a perfect entrance as well as the front door not to far from it. It rested at the edge of a giant river. And I mean it rested just at the edge of it. I'm surprised it didn't fall off.

Going inside the front door lead me to a almost familiar hallway. Two doors on the right, a long purple rug on the floor with multiple sofa's and boxes and tool supplies left around. At the end of the hallway was a elevator.

I went inside the 2nd door and found myself in yet another very familiar room. It was like the one I first met Gertrude in only it was bigger and lots of tables and chairs were played everywhere with giant boxes and a unfinished roof that showed the sky. Lots and lots of oils, cans and other stuff were also left in the mess. The hole that I first saw lead to a unfinished kitchen.

Most of the other rooms were heavily unfinished so I couldn't figure out what they were supposed to be. The door dear the entrance was a bathroom though. It was empty but the white tiled floor made it obvious what it was supposed to be.

I could hear the river hitting the mountain. This thing felt like it would fall at some point and I'm surprised that whoever wanted this built would want it this close to the edge.

One of the rooms had a stairway. The elevator didn't work so this staircase was my best option. It lead to the top of the tower. It looked like some sort of staff room that was probably finished. It had lots of stuff in it like rugs, chairs, plates, confetti and other stuff. There was also a Dumbo costume but no head which felt off. But one thing stood out to me. A giant purple banner that said the words:


I wish I knew this character but I just didn't. More evidence of the room showed it was a female duck character wearing purple heels, a purple shirt and a purple bow. She must've been a popular character yet... I didn't know her at all.

That's why this building... That giant head outside and that... Thing looked so odd. They were "Daisy Duck" not Minnie.

What I could only assume was heavy breathing. Extremely heavy breathing was behind me. Turning around I saw her again. That same unfinished "Daisy" with that blonde hair that I somehow remember. She looked mad... Well more like bloodthirsty like a hungry animal. She then lunged at me. Which made me fall breaking the floor of the tower and made both of us fell.

She landed on a giant puddle of oil that soaked her. But she was moving closer to me on all legs and arms like a actual animal. One of the metal shelfs landed on my body so I couldn't move. I kept getting these flashes of that girl. This girl I was close to somehow. I brought her here. She didn't want this.

I think there was some wires and other electrical outputs in the staff room because the entire room just started to get hotter and hotter until I saw actual fire at the top. That place was going to explode if neither of us got out.

"Look I don't know who you are! But we are going to die if we stay in here!".

I got no response just animalistic noises and what seemed like painful walking. Every step she took looked painful to her. The dead body that was visible from the right side of her face started to melt. I could see her skin, muscles and other bodily fluids just melt in her.

The entire building was in flames. I managed to get out of that shelf but there was nowhere to go everything was on fire.

She got closer and closer and I tried to punch her but missed and she pushed me against the wall. I tried to get up but then... My arm started to fuse to my body. I was powerless now. It was either death by fire or by that thing. And it'd rather die by fire then her.

I closed my eyes waiting for anything to happen. But I heard the sound of a metal object smashing. I opened and that thing was on the ground. Her head was completely squished. I looked up and saw...


She lifted her multi-fingered hand out to me and I reached for it (Which was hard due to my arm almost being attached to my body). She pulled me up and ran outside at high speeds. We then both looked at the building on fire as the ground slowly sinks and the entire building falls into the pit slamming into the ocean as pieces of it just slide away.

"Thank you." Was all I said to her. She nodded.

I'm still unsure about this incident. That girl or Daisy? I knew her somehow. One day I will figure that out but not today. Mia's back in her old spot but moves more frequently. She also helped pull my arm out of my body which thankfully didn't fully fuse.

I don't want to look at this book anymore. I seen and been through too much. I plan on leaving it somewhere then hopefully someone else finds it. Maybe they can either help us or stop us. Either way. I want this to end.

I don't care how long it takes for someone to find this. Just help us. Help all of us.

- The Visage

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