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Greta is looking at Mary, and she reach to Mary, and they lean their head together as they watches the nature and the bird are chirping happiness and Greta stopped leaning against Mary, and Greta watches as Mary stand, and Mary said

'Well, let's go meet James shall we?

Greta is looking at Mary, and she has hand out for her to hand, and she takes Mary's hand, and then stand and Greta nodded firmly. "I agree."

Mary and Greta walked over to Emma, who was standing with David. He addressed Greta, "Are you ready to go, my Greta?"

Looking at David, dressed in a navy jacket, black pants, and a white shirt, Greta felt a surge of determination. She glanced at her mother, Emma, and replied, "Ready as I'll ever be."

Moving closer to her mother, Greta took Emma's hand and looked into her eyes. "Are we ready to go?" she asked, a mix of anticipation and resolve in her voice.

Greta is looking at Emma, and she looks at her, and her mother has a worried expression and Emma take her arm away from her, and Greta watches as Emma is moving her hands magicful and she watches as there is portal appearing in front of them and Greta observed as David and Mary stepped into the portal, disappearing into its mystical depths. As her mother, Emma, approached the portal, Greta met her gaze, sensing determination in her eyes.

"Yes, Greta, we are ready to go to Neverland to find Mr. Neal Mills," Emma declared firmly, her voice resolute with purpose. Greta gave shy smile and she walks to her mother and she held her mother's hand, they went into the portal, and they appear at the same place, and there is the tower nearby the ocean

Greta sees James's ship at the port and they went to the ladder and then climbed they were on the ship's deck and Greta sees a crew on the ship until they sees a man and Greta walk to the man, and Greta said

'Excuse me'

Greta sees the man looks at her, and she recognise him from her adventures on the boats and Greta sees Emma went by her side and the man looks at Emma and then her, and Greta knew his name but she doesn't know and Greta said

'Where is your captain?

Greta is looking at William, and he is looking at her, and Greta looks at his clothes and his appearance and he has curly brown hair, with pointy chin with blue eyes, he is wearing blue shirt with leather jacket with dark brown with white lines going down he isn't wearing a hat Greta hears

'Hello Mrs Greta Gold again'


His hair was a rich warm brown, sunstreaked with gold and pulled into a devilish queue at the back of his neck. His face was quite simply perfect, with full, finely-molded lips that tipped up at the corners, leaving him with an expression of permanent mischief. And his eyes were blue, so vividly so that she could discern their color from across the ship. Greta turn around, and she sees James, he is standing in front of the mast of the ship and he is looking at them and then he look at Mrs Mills he said


Greta met James's gaze, feeling the weight of his scrutiny as he asked,

"What do you want?" Turning her attention from William to James, Greta's expression grew solemn as she replied

"Neal Mills has been taken, and we need your help."

Greta locked eyes with James, a sense of urgency evident in her gaze. James glanced briefly at William before turning back to her, determination shining in his eyes.

"Okay, I will help," James declared, his voice firm and resolute.

Greta smiled with hope, and she gave James hand shake and then walk from him and William is watching her and he looked at James, and Ella and Henry arrived on their motorcycle and they put it below deck, and they set sail. They are sail on ocean and Greta went to James, and Greta said

'Thank you for the help James but why?

'Thank you for the help James but why?

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18/05/2024 - 4:08pm

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