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Nobara yelled as she and yuji continue to bicker me and gumi were just walking in silence, until "Y/n what do you say in my house tonight?" Gumi asked me I was about to say yes but I remember sensei owh no "I'm very sorry gumi I have something to do tonight"

He just nodded gosh I feel horrible now "but yes ofc we can hang out any time gumi!!" I said and smiled at him, he just smirked as we reached out class, i immediately went up to my sit I was about to take my books out when I heard the door opened, sensei is here

"Good morning dear students, today you guys will work by two in this project I'll call the names of your partner and please sit next to them"

After everyone was called I was now alone with no partner but then "don't worry Mrs. L/n I'll be your partner but I'm just gonna teach you how to do it since your a new student" I nodded and smiled a little aww gosh darn ittt

*Lunch break*

"Y/n what do you say tomorrow we go shopping eh!!" Nobara said owemjie shopping would sound great "I'm in nobara!" We high five and giggled while the two were just staring at us
"What about me and gumi?" Yuji said while pouting "no one cares about you two now shoo me and y/n are gonna eat together"

I just laughed at them but followed nobara while leaving a wink to the two boys, little did I know pair of eyes were staring at us.


After lunch break my class got cancel so all of my classmates are here at the library I wanted to be alone so I sat at the very back of the library, "l/n?" I looked up to see sensei "Omo sensei, gomen I can leave if you want" he chuckled and said "no need to leave darling" I blushed at the sudden name "ehh"

He sat next to me and said "owh your reading harry Potter huh" I nodded as he shrugged and looked at me "Mrs. L/n did you perhaps forgot about our project?"

"A-ah n-no s-sensei!" I stuttered as he hummer and smiled a little "good, we can work it up in your house just tell me your address" I told him my address then he accidentally dropped his book

"Owh sensei I can take it" I bend over not knowing my pink underwear were showing

Choso pov


How can she be this fucking innocent and sexy, fuck control yourself choso she's your student, but I can't help but to gawke at her thighs, her cute smile, her eyes, her pink fucking panties

I sound so pedophile, for godssake I'm not that bastard gojo! I'm pretty fucking sure that guy will be gawking at this pretty baby here ugh

"Sensei are you okay?" I immediately went back to y/n and smiled at her "ah gomen, I was just busy thinking about my work" great lie choso

She smiled fuck her smile weakens me ugh "sensei it seems like it's time!" She said while her mouth shaping into O I wonder what her mouth can do..


Y/n pov

The class was over now it was time to head home and just get ready since sensei is coming at my house, whoosh you can do this y/n

I was walking with nobara, yuji, and gumi I was still thinking about earlier when I was at the class gumi's hands were resting in my thighs, although I don't mind at all he's my friend! I was all left alone but my house was near

I arrived at my door, opening it and locking it again, I went upstairs to clean my room and change my clothes into this

 Owemjie the shorts were too tight in my thighs and butt, but I don't mind same as my shirt in my chest, but again I don't mind, I got downstairs to prepare some fruits, strawberries, berries, cherries, raspberries, pineapple, with a whipped cream

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Owemjie the shorts were too tight in my thighs and butt, but I don't mind same as my shirt in my chest, but again I don't mind, I got downstairs to prepare some fruits, strawberries, berries, cherries, raspberries, pineapple, with a whipped cream

Then I cleaned the living room picking up all of my books on the floor, and putting them in the book shelf, owemjie I forgot to wear socks, I got upstairs to find my pink socks that has my name in it, it was really cute super cute

I was just waiting for sensei to go here when I got a notification in my phone

Gumi gumi🎀✨


Yes gumii?

Are you busy

Well umm yes gumi

Aws nobara and yuji are here
Was wondering if you wanna

Very sorry gumi, kinda doing
My project sorryyy😭😭

I feel awfulll I wanna hang out with my friends, I started to pout thinking if I'll pass this project or no, I'm just really scaredddd but whoosh I can do this sensei is here to help me!

Ding dong!🔔

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 18 ⏰

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