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With Maira staying at her parents' house for the time being, Layth found himself adjusting to a new routine. The absence of her laughter and warmth left a noticeable void in their home, but Layth carried on with his daily chores, his thoughts often drifting to her.

As he went about his day, the house felt quieter than usual. The familiar sounds of her presence were missing. Yet, amidst the silence, he found moments of comfort in the routine tasks that kept him busy. He had never realized how much he relied on Maira's presence to bring life to the home they shared.

Each morning, Layth woke to the soft light coming through the curtains, a silent reminder of the new chapter they were in. He missed seeing Maira's smile when she greeted him each day, but he felt better knowing she was safe and with her family. The mornings were the hardest, as he used to wake up to the smell of her morning coffee and the cheerful hum of her voice.

After his morning prayers, Layth would sit for a while, reciting verses from the Quran. He found comfort in the words, drawing strength from his faith to face the challenges that lay ahead. These moments of Allah's words' connection provided him with a sense of calm and reassurance, helping him stay strong for Maira.

Throughout the day, Layth focused on work and household chores. The rhythm of his routine helped distract him from the worries in his mind. He spent extra time on each task, hoping that staying busy would keep his mind off the troubling situation. He cleaned the house meticulously, cooked meals with care, and even took up gardening, something he and Maira had always talked about but never had the time to start.

Yet, no matter how busy he stayed, thoughts of Maira were always there. He would often find himself pausing, lost in memories of happier times they had shared. The laughter they had exchanged over a simple joke, the warmth of her touch, and the way she looked at him with love and trust. These memories were both a source of pain and a beacon of hope.

In the evenings, as the sun set, Layth longed for the comfort of Maira's embrace. The empty space beside him reminded him of her absence and their love. He missed their quiet dinners, their walks in the garden, and the way she would rest her head on his shoulder as they watched TV. The silence of the house was deafening without her presence.

To cope with the loneliness, Layth often turned to prayer. He spent more time in the mosque, seeking the company of fellow worshippers and the peace of communal prayers. The support of his faith community provided him with a sense of belonging and strength. He also found comfort in reading the Hadith, the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), drawing lessons of patience and perseverance.

Layth also reached out to friends and family, sharing his thoughts and concerns. Their words of encouragement and support helped him stay positive. He realized that he was not alone in this struggle, and that many people cared for both him and Maira. These interactions, though brief, gave him the strength to keep going.

Despite the distance between them, Layth remained committed to Maira. His love did not waver. Each day, he found strength in their bond, proving the resilience of their love. He would often write letters to Maira, expressing his feelings and thoughts. Though he knew she would not read them immediately, writing these letters helped him stay connected to her.

He also made sure to call her every evening. Their conversations, though brief and sometimes filled with sadness, were a lifeline for both of them. They talked about their days, shared their worries, and reassured each other of their unwavering love. These calls were a reminder that their bond remained strong despite the physical distance.

Layth sought refuge in nature, spending his evenings walking through the park near their home. The peaceful surroundings offered him a sense of calm amidst the chaos of their situation. With each step, he found himself lost in thought, the gentle rustle of leaves and the distant chirping of birds serving as a soothing soundtrack to his contemplations. As Layth wandered along the winding paths, he found clarity in the beauty of the natural world, finding solace in the simple yet profound rhythms of life.

As Layth settled into bed each night, he whispered a silent prayer for Maira's safety and well-being. He prayed for strength and patience, for wisdom to navigate this difficult period, and for the day they would be together again. His heart was filled with hope for the day they would be together again. In their love, Layth found comfort amidst the uncertainty of the days ahead, his faith strong in the promise of better days to come.

Meanwhile, outside the house, a shadowy figure lingered, watching Layth's every move. A sinister smirk played on his lips as he observed Layth's attempts to carry on with his life. The figure's eyes gleamed with satisfaction, knowing the chaos and pain he had caused. He watched Layth struggle, relishing in the suffering that had been unleashed upon the unsuspecting couple.

As the night grew darker, the figure disappeared into the shadows, leaving behind a chilling sense of foreboding. The true extent of his intentions remained hidden, a looming threat that would test the strength of Layth and Maira's love in ways they could never have anticipated.

Layth remained unaware of the figure's presence, his focus solely on the hope that one day, all their trials would be behind them. He held onto the belief that love, faith, and perseverance would see them through, unaware of the dark forces conspiring against them.

As Layth drifted to sleep, his thoughts were filled with Maira's smile, the warmth of her touch, and the promise of their future together. He knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, their love would endure.

But he doubted what if the photos he found was real? "No that's not even possible what are you thinking Layth" he said to himself, but who gave us the envelope? He said while dozing off.


Hope the chapter is good.

I wasn't uploading this chapter because 500 views target wasn't getting complete😤

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With lots of love <3

~By authorelixar

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