- |★| SCENARIO: Raph bonds with a cat !!

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- |★| REQUEST ? : no.

- |★| CHARACTERS USED: Raphael Hamato

- |★| ROMANTIC OR PLATONIC?? : strictly platonic !!

- |★| TW: Stressed Out Character.

- |★| CW: Not canon x reader, stressed out character, imagine, platonic stuff ofc, Raph may be OCC, Not proof read, inspired by a fan-comic I saw <3 !!

- |★| SUMMARY: The oldest brother of the Hamato's is having a hard time dealing with his brother's recklessness which has been spiking up. Feeling stressed and unsure of what to do, he decides to try and relax by going out to take a walk while, well, no humans are around. Maybe go blow off some necessary steam by smashing some trashcans. However, he didn't expect that he would end up meeting something else that would calm his nerves. .. That's a long summary to explain that Raph bonds with a cat.

 That's a long summary to explain that Raph bonds with a cat

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- |☆| Okay, so- We all have noticed and known that Raph has a tendency, well habit.. Okay, he is stressed out and anxious for his family's wellbeing.
A little headcanon that I have, and I'd probably canon..I'm not sure- is that whenever he is not in the best mood and needs to soothe his nerves, he has to just- destroy something.. without harming anyone in the process of course. He as well needs to get some fresh air, so he combines the two
So, he goes up to the surface, obviously being cautious as not to get spotted by humans. He just needs an escape from the responsibility from having to worry, although it's almost undeniably.

- |☆| ..Yeah, let's say he safely makes it in an alley, sees a couple of trash cans and lets the worry, and perhaps the frustration seethe out of him. He prepares to absolutely demolish the trash cans in hopes of feeling better. Otherwise, if he doesn't- then that means that he would have destroyed someone's property for nothing. And that would make him feel even more responsible, adding up to his stress.
However, he as he goes to throw the first punch on the metal-

- |☆| Yeah, a sound of a cat meowing snaps him out of his thoughts, perhaps it startle him- maybe it make him defensive. Mayhaps it makes him trip and fall over the trashcans for some reason. It may wake the neighbours but erh.
And once he looks around for a moment, being startled a shit- his eyes finally land on arh. A cat. A cat staring at him, it's tail maybe flickering or swaying slowly.

- |☆| He for a moment, stills a little. His wants to blow off steam are now drowned out by the fear of urh, scaring of the cat. And perhaps fear of the cat attacking him. Although, he feels a little silly fearing a cat that he can easily overpower.. despite the fact that he may have not have the best experiences with animals or pets. Well, except the dogs at the 'Cuddle Cakes Puppy Rescue'. They didn't attack him, so he could count it as a small win. Still, with his relationship regarding cats- (flashbacks with Mayhem) is not the, urm, best as he sees it.
Though, he wont harm the cat- even it bats him or scratches him. In fact, he may be a little cautious as to not scared it by moving or something.

- |☆| ..If the cat approaches him, he may freak out a bit- thin myking that once again, it may try to attack him. Although, it looks so..small compared to him.
Now if the cat tries to rub it self against his leg or tries butt it's head at him, he would, perhaps be a little confused. Maybe feel a bit fuzzy inside, although he is wondering if the feline wants something- like for example, food..which he didn't bring any with him- ohmigoshwhatifthecatistarvinf-

- |☆| ..wooh. Confusion. Though, it's little act of affection does soothe his tension that he is feeling. Not completely, but still.

- |☆| Now, he could try and pet the cat- and by pet I mean rubbing his thumb on the top of its fuzzy head in a gentle yet firm manner. A bit unsure on how to show affection to it, as cats usually, erh- with all due respect, may dislike him. I'm not sure.

★..the rest is history that's lost in the corners of my brain.★


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|★| ..RISE OF THE - !!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora