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Name: Wanderingsight

Past names: Wanderingkit, Wanderingpaw

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/They

Personality: Hard-working, friendly, polite, kind, intelligent, and confident

Sexuality: Omnisexual

Likes: Training, hanging out with others, rain, and bees

Dislikes: Being blind, blood, death, giving up, and spiders

Backstory: Wanderingsight was born fully blind, completely unable to see anything. Her parents, Stripestone and Sparkjump, were concerned for their well-being due to the fact that she would have no chance of becoming a warrior. The medicine cat's said that it was up to Wanderingsight to choose what she wants. When Wanderingsight became an apprentice, she tried being a warrior. She trained and trained, trying her hardest to become a warrior her parents could be proud of. No matter how hard she tried, she started falling behind all the other apprentices. Her parents ended up trying to convince her to become a medicine cat. So, she did. She struggled understanding the different herbs and stuff they were used for, and didn't seem to be getting better at all. Eventually, she started giving up. No matter what she tried to do, nothing seemed to work. Then, she tried being a warrior again, and ended up succeeding the second time around. So far, she's working hard.

Other: She is completely blind!


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Original design by BurritoSam on DA

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Headshot drawn by therentrack on Discord

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