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┏┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┓Chapter Fourteen┗┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┛

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Chapter Fourteen

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Days had passed since the incident in the meeting. One way or another, whether out of respect or fear, there was no one else who seemed to question his authority. While rumors about Y/n still flitted about, it was clear that the previous ones circulating around had obviously stopped.

His life in the palace was comfortable, and Y/n enjoyed his time spent with Dion. It allowed him to forget any troubling thing Y/n might have had, as well as the odd novel lines that kept popping in his head. While it might have happened because of him changing the plot, it's purpose seemed to do nothing but to worry him. Day after day, Y/n had been having feverish nightmares—but he didn't wish to alarm anyone.



It's your fate, Soleil. It's your fate to die. Try as you might, you will never escape.



"No," Y/n whispered, as he awoke in cold sweat. His eyes immediately scanned the area. A luxurious bedroom, adorned with jewels and gold. A mana-control device used for regulating the magic flow in the body — an extremely valuable device that could only be used by royalty.

Darkness crept in like a thief, stealing the light until it hung as heavy as a curtain across the city. Only the weak, thin glow of the lights fought back the gloom. It was futile. The night would always be the winner. There was an eerie silence hanging in the air, the kind of quiet that makes a man uneasy, the kind from which no good can come.

He was in the...Emperor's bedroom.

"Nightmares?" Dion inquired, concern and relief brushing over his face, "would you like a sleeping elixir next time? Are any nobles bothering you, perhaps? Just say the word."

"..Yes." Y/n admitted, feeling just how dry and coarse his throat was, only now realizing that Dion had been beside him the whole time whilst he had slept, his hand tracing patterns on his palm. The motion was oddly assuring; it sent tingles down Y/n's spine from the intensity.

Dion seemed...calm. Not calm — more like, satisfied. He hummed under his breath, and Y/n felt bile rise up his throat.

"What," Y/n started, "Dion, what did you do?"

Dion merely smiled at him, a smile curling up his lips. His arms encased Y/n in a tight grasp, and automatically, Y/n pressed his body against Dion's. His head rested upon the crook of Dion's neck, and Dion let out a small sound of satisfaction, trailing kisses down Y/n's collarbone.

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