4) Game

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Morning after

F1 lads 🏎️

Banana: hey guys are you still alive after the many drinks you had yesterday

Milk boy: No 🤒

Albono: You didn't drink?

Banana: I did just not as much as you
So how are all of you

Facts: I have a headache

Tripod: Hell

Milk boy: I want to kill myself its horrible

Chilli 🌶️: It can't be that bad colega mate

Milk boy: It can.

Tripod: but what happened last night I can't remember anything

Banana: we went to the club from mine and you left me with fucking verstappen behind then we arrived and you pretty much drank like there was no tomorrow all night. After you simply all danced together. And at some point I don't know why but Verstappen started to dance with me and he spun me like if I was his girlfriend or something. We also ended up playing never have I ever

Chilli 🌶️: Are you serious..? Max really did that

Banana: yes! And he held my hands while moving and then grabbed my waist GRABBED MY WAIST to put me closer Putain! Fuck

Albono: what 😂

Milk boy: Omg 🤣

Chilli 🌶️: Haha this is wonderful

Facts: Pff haha 😂

Tripod: ✨drunk actions are sober thoughts✨

Banana: OMG NO

123 456-7890: I think I should leave this group...
Sorry Leclerc

Banana: Yes!

Tripod: No don't leave

Milk boy: Come on it's ok now

*milk boy changed 123 456-7890 to Max*

Banana: what no!

Max: thanks I guess

Tripod: you see Charles there's no problem in him staying

Banana: yes there is! He's arrogant, obnoxious, horrible and mean
He thinks he's better than everyone else. I thought that between friends we supported each other which means to maybe not include one's enemy

Milk boy: Charles! Come on you should get over your rivalry

Banana: sorry it's hard to forget more than 10 years of my life

Chilli 🌶️: it wasn't even that bad

Banana: yes it was
Were you there? No

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