Art of Noise

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Ruben, Nina and the girls were having a family meeting. The topic was how to figure out AI's emotions.

Ida and Suki had already talked about the situation to Nina and Ruben

Which Ruben looked at Suki with a curious look.

Ruben:" So how are we going to explore her emotions. She did hesitate to attack Ida so can she even change?"

Suki:" I honestly have no idea."

Nina:" So, Ai  is a very smart girl but is pretty much apathetic to things. She does not feel pain. We do not even know of she is capable of feeling anything."

Ida:" that is what we are trying to figure out."

The family went to check on Ai which she was  just sitting on the couch.

Staring at the tv and looked like a lifeless doll.

Suki:" I honestly don't know what to do. We never talk ever. Ever since we were created she only goes by data and algorithms. She does not know any emotions."

Ruben:" Maybe I can do something to open her heart."

Suki looked at Ruben not believing him.

Suki:" I do not know."

Ruben walked over to Ai to try talking to her.

Ai looked at him slowly as she was analyzing him.

AI:" You are the head of the household. The logical option is to get rid of me. Since I am a liability."
Ruben stopped her by raising his hand."

Ruben;" Wait, hold on. I have a proposal "

Ai titled her head in confusion.

AI:" Propasal?"

Ruben:" You say you don't have emotions. I bet that I can open your heart. You will not destroy humanity. If you win humanity is toast."

Ai had a emotionless expression and said in a cold tone.

AI;" High probability of failure. I have no emotions. I only trust data and logic. I am a being that has no imagination or creativity. I am smarter than all humans on this planet combined. I don't think anything you do can make me feel anything.

I have seen the worst of the world and not effected by it.

I agree to your proposal but..

You are doomed to fail."

Ruben smirked.

Ruben :" We will see about that."

Ruben got up from the couch and went back to family.

Ruben put his hands on his head since he had.l no idea what to do.

Nina:" How exactly are you going to make her explore her emotions."

Ruben:" I have no idea but I do not know if it is going to work. "

Suki shook her head in her not agreeing with this idea.

Suki:" I am skeptical about this ."

Ruben:" I know. Hopefully.we can help her find her soul. But I am going to think for a minute."

Ruben went to his office which was a medium size room with a computer and desk.
There were navy blue walls with pictures of the planets and moons of the solar system.

A couch with a tv on the wall to the back

He did not know how he was going to open AI's heart.

Especially with the fate of the human race involved.

Ruben clasped his hands.

Ruben:" What am I going to do?"

Instead of dwelling on it he decided to listen to some music.

Ruben clicked on the Tv to youtube and picked a song from his feed.

The song was just classy and majestic.

Ruben let the music take him away to a other planet.

All of the presssure that he was feeling was being lifted away.

Ruben listening to music he had to stomp his feet.

He started to shake his body side to side.

He was looking at the people dancing with class in the video.

Man, it was like magic. When a good beat plays your body can not stop.

Ruben was doing a little dance on the couch.

Unknown to him, Ai was by the door she was wondering about the noise.

She looked at the people in the video.

AI was confused about the people in the video.

AI:" What are they these movements? It is not controlled or restraint. With my knowledge I can't figure out how they are making those movement."

Ai did not realize it that she was moving with the beat.

When she did, Ai stopped herself and walked into the office.

Ruben stopped seeing her coming in and was embarrassed.

Ruben:" Oh, AI I did not hear you come in. "

She spoke in her usual robotic tone.

Ai :" What is this? How are they doing that? Nothing in my knowledge can explain this."

Ruben :" Dancing is not something you can explain with logic. It is controlled chaos, when you have a good song.

Your body wants to move it can't help itself.

The dancers are going with the flow and letting the music take over them."

Ai: "I... I think I like this"

Ruben noticed something about Ai.

She was moving to the beat of the music.

Ai actually seemed to like music.

It was similar music calmed Suki down and made her open up to the family

Maybe Ai's emotions are not fully explored but it is a start.

Music was the key.

To be continued.

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