Chapter 10: Changes in Time

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A/N so here is the big update enjoy :)

River Song woke up in an empty bed and a Doctor shaped dent in her bed. She closed her eyes for a minute before getting up and getting dressed. Quietly she slipped into the lounge and was about to sit down on the couch when she heard a clash in the kitchen and the Doctor's voice muttering something along the lines of 'oh fuck'. She sighed before walking over and opening the door to a very confused but very proud Doctor with a tray of a cup of tea, burnt toast, split eggs and bacon, which had it been served in a restaurant would've caused a lawsuit. He grinned happily at River. 

"I was making breakfast in bed." He said half-proud, half-nervous, like a child showing a parent a drawing of a dog which looks more like a scribble. River laughed and took the tray off of the Doctor and booped his nose, knowing full well that it annoys him, and dragged him into the now very messy kitchen. He smiled lopsidedly. 

"What?" He asked her. 

"You know what you said last night?" River asked, beaming at him as he blushed and looked away. 

"Yeah, sorry was it too soon?" He questioned, guilt settling into him.

"No. No it wasn't Doctor." River reassured him.

"Did you mean it?" River asked hopefully. 

"Yes. Do you need me to ask you again just so you know?" The Doctor teased. 

"Go on then." River laughed. 

"I love you River, will you marry me?" He asked getting on his knees this time and producing a Gallifreyan wedding band, with the word 'forever' etched into the side in old high Gallifreyan from his transdimensional pockets. River laughed before responding with a simple

"Yes." which lit up the Time Lords face. 


There was frantic knocking at the Tyler-Noble-Temple house, or rather estate now. A very bouncy John answered the door. 

"Doc and River!" He exclaimed happily. Inviting them in and practically running around the house on the way to the lounge.

"What you in such a good mood for?" River laughed as she sat on the sofa.

"I'm gonna be a dad again." he said proudly. River and the Doctor looked at him and grinned congratulating him and then looking at each other and earning a very un-Doctor-y shriek from John. 

"ROSIE!!!" John yelled. Rose Sr appeared in the lounge and looked at the Doctor and River in the doorway. 

"Oh for God's sake." She groaned. The Doctor and River looked at Rose Sr confused. 

"You owe me ten quid." John teased as Rose sauntered off to the other room to reluctantly produce a £10 note. 

"We had a bet on how long it would take you two to get together." Rose explained to the couple. 

"Well who had bets on how quick we'd be getting remarried?" The Doctor burst out with a grin and Rose laughed at a now sour faced John. 

"He bet that you two would get together in a month I said 3 months and I said in less than a month of getting together you'd be getting married and he said 6 months after with £10 being the first bet of how long until you're getting together and  the £15 bet being how long until you got married. So ha John you owe me me money back AND a fiver." Rose said laughing as John handed the £10 back and an extra £5 note. 

River and the Doctor grinned at the younger couple again and then congratulated Rose. Who gave John a look that could turn milk sour. 

"Look Rose before my certain demise, he's me so I kinda have to tell him because I guess he's kinda the dad too. Wait ew that's weird ignore me." John rambled. Rose sighed. 

"You two would be the first I tell anyway, well I already told mum so it's fine but we do want to keep it quiet for a bit." Rose explained. River nodded in agreement and elbowed the Doctor in the ribs when he wasn't paying attention to Rose. 

"Anyway when are you two getting remarried?" Rose asked them. 

"As soon as possible." The Doctor responded before River could answer. 

"Welllll. I do know a vicar and he owes me a favour..."John said. 

"Honey, how on earth does a vicar owe you a favour? Actually never mind." Rose said backtracking at John's mischievous smirk. 

"I can make a few phone calls. I can get something arranged for whenever." Rose suggested. 

"How soon is too soon?" The Doctor asked. 

"I could make some phone calls and pull some strings and you can, if you so wish be married tomorrow in the garden." Rose half-joked. 

"Tomorrow it is then." The Doctor said with a grin plastered on his face. 

"I'll go and arrange the vicar then, if you want that or I can do a proper Gallifreyan wedding. It's up to you two." John said. River looked at the Doctor and then back and John.

"Gallifreyan would be amazing." River mused. 

"Ok, I've just got to raid the TARDIS wardrobe for the robe things." John beamed. 

"Oh no." The Doctor groaned. 

"He's going to look like a pillock." The Doctor teased. 

"Oi! I should have you know I am wayyy better looking that you and just because you can't pull it off doesn't mean I can't" John boasted, striking a ridiculous pose before grabbing the Doctor by the wrist, the one that was cut off and made him, and dragging him to the TARDIS which sat on the lawn to the side of the driveway. 

"He's bound to have a wedding dress in there surely." Rose remarked.

"More than likely. It's the finding it that'll be the most difficult." River laughed. 

Both women laughed and talked together and when the Doctor and John came back in with matching expressions of delight and talking loudly about their stag-do, River and Rose went to the TARDIS to find a wedding dress and outfits for Rivers hen night. While River searched for a dress, Rose made some frantic phone calls to Amy, Jack and Ianto to get Torchwood (on the behalf of her husband), Donna, Mel, Bill, Jenny, Kate, the Osgoods, Martha and Tosh. 

Around 20 minutes later most of the main Torchwood group, Amy, Donna, Kate, both Osgoods, Martha, Bill and Mel burst into the TARDIS where Rose sent the guys, Jack, Ianto, Mickey (Martha had dragged him along), Owen and Rory off to meet the Doctor and John after handing them all a bundle of clothes. Before they left, Rose asked Ianto to keep an eye on them and to bring them back to the TARDIS as she was making up rooms and the suits would be laid out in designated rooms. Rose then sent them all away and dragged the women into the wardrobe and told them to pick an outfit for the night and to find a dress or a suit for the wedding in the morning. Just then, John ran in and frantically ransacked the wardrobe for a ribbon or cloth. He quickly grabbed the cloth, kissed Rose and ran away laughing like a child. 

Once the outfits were all picked, the women went off to change, utilising the bedrooms to give River a moment to talk with Rose. River emerged from the changing area. 

"Rose, will you be my maid of honour?" River asked. Rose squealed excitedly. 

"YES YES YES YES YES!!!" Rose exclaimed eagerly. 

"It won't be awkward will it?" River questioned, not wanting to make her new friend uncomfortable Amy walked in and sat with her daughter and Rose. 

"River, I married my Doctor, that's John remember and I wouldn't change him for the world, even for a man as amazing as the Doctor because he's not John."

A/N EEEEEEEEEEEE The wedding bit will come out later (maybe tomorrow but i have an exam but ill update when i can) anyway hope u enjoyed :)

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