Chapter 17

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Time passed very fast, and their love grew stronger day by day.

One day, Way received a call and went to meet his mom and brother for two weeks. After Way left, Pete tried to contact him, but his network was always unavailable. Pete became worried and tried to find Way's address, but he couldn't succeed.

A week later, Pete finally received a call from Way.

"Hello, Pete...."

"Hi baby, how are you?"

"I miss you."

"Are you okay? Is everything alright there?"

"Hmm, no. My mom found out about our relationship. She destroyed everything, even my phone. I'm sorry, I don't have much time. I called you from a public booth."

"What? Is she still angry? Tell me where you are."

"I love my mom. I don't know why she doesn't understand my feelings. She loves me, I know."

"Stop crying. She loves you, and she will accept our relationship, okay?"

"I have to go, Pete... my mom is calling."

"Way, where are you? Tell me...."

"No, I can't tell you. I'm sorry. My mom believes she will be hurt. Please don't come."


"When she found out about our relationship, she had a heart attack. I don't want to see her like that again."

"Are you sure?"

"Can you wait for me until I come back?"

"Yes, I will wait for you....."

"Love you, Pete..."

"Love you too, princess...." Before he could say more, the phone was cut off from the other side.

"Hello, baby? Are you there?...." Pete's voice trailed off, filled with concern and frustration.

On the other side:

"Who were you talking to?" she asked, her tone stern.

"No one, mom....."

At home:

"Mom, please don't do this....."

"You're going abroad with your brother next week. It's decided."

"No, please mom."

"This is good for you. You promised me that you would do whatever I say."

"Yes, mom."


"Mom, I'm sorry. Please, mom."

"This all happened because of you, Way," his brother accused him, anger flashing in his eyes.

"The patient's condition is very bad. She doesn't have many chances to live," the doctor said grimly.

"I will kill you, Way, if anything happens to mom," his brother threatened.

"Maa, maa, please wake up. I'm sorry," Way cried, his heart breaking.

Fortunately, she opened her eyes after two days.

When Way went to meet his mom, she refused to talk.

"Tell him to go...." she said coldly.

"Maa, maa, please talk to me...."

"Who are you?" she asked, her voice devoid of warmth.

"Your son...."

"I only have one son. I don't know you."

"I'm sorry, please mom, I promise I will never hurt you again. I will do whatever you say and never try to contact him."

His mom was angry, but she couldn't see her son in so much pain. That's why she forgave him, and he promised he would not contact Pete again. After a week, she started talking to him.

**End of Flashback:**

"So, it's decided. You're going."

Way didn't have any option but to respect his mom's decision.

The next week, he finally left for abroad with his brother. He wanted to talk to Pete at least once, but he remembered his promise.

"Can you wait for me, Pete?" he asked in his mind before leaving Thailand.

"You haven't called me, Way. I will wait for you until you return," Pete thought to himself, holding onto hope.

It was difficult for them; they wanted to be together badly, but their destiny was not in their favor. It's been three years since they got separated. Both still loved each other deeply.

Pete got a job in a company, but he was not satisfied with his work. He didn't want this life. After Way left, he drank daily and became a very cruel person. But one day, he decided to move on and start a new life. He still had feelings for Way, but he stopped thinking about him and decided to focus on his future.

On the other side, Way also graduated and joined a company.

"It's urgent, Director. You have to go to Thailand to meet our new partner," Way said.

"I am very busy....." the Director replied.

"But Director, this is a very big opportunity; otherwise, we will lose millions."

The Director told Way to go to Thailand and join them. He said if Way made this deal perfectly, he would get a promotion.

"Oh no, I don't want to go there..." Way thought to himself.

He didn't want to because he knew if he ever saw Pete, he would melt and couldn't stop himself from meeting him. He still loved him as before.

"It's not necessary that we will meet. Go, just chill and accept this proposal. Imagine, I will get a promotion," he reasoned with himself.

"Okay, sir. I will go," Way said aloud.

"Complete your work and leave today for Thailand. Don't delay, okay?" the Director said firmly.

"Okay, sir......"

To be continued

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