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"your independent"Mr. Lee jokingly said

"well I think it runs in our blood that every women in our family

needs to be married to a rich guy and just be a house wife"I said sitting up straight faking a smile

"yeah because that's the tradition of our family for decades"My brother said faking a smile

"yeah,but I want to change that tradition"I simply said

"I love how you stand for yourself"Mrs. Lee said as she laugh,

I smiled and bowed at her as I look at my mother that is looking like she could slap or shout any moment but keep it cool......

After a few more hours of talking they already decided to go home because tomorrow they all have a meeting to attend,

"y/n you can go with Heeseung"My mother said

"I'm just gonna book a cab going home"I replied looking at my phone

"just go with him so you will get home safe and sound"she said

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