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I don't understand myself. I feel upset and I start crying and getting upset but when someone asks me what's wrong I just don't have an answer because I don't know what's wrong but I can't be crying if I don't have a reason to so I shouldn't even be crying in the first place. I think I'm just too emotional, if I wasn't so sensitive then maybe I wouldn't be like that. I tell people I'm fine when I'm not fine because if I tell them I'm not fine then I might not even have a reason to give them or if I do have a reason they might downplay it and make it seem like I'm just being overly sensitive and that I should just get over it because crying over something like that is dumb. I feel like I'm not taken seriously and that I'm just treated like some being who can't do anything for themselves, and if I am taken seriously then it gets too overwhelming and I just end up breaking down. Maybe I am too sensitive.

#crybaby #L

🇬🇧Vent Book🇬🇧Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora