Chapter 3: Murphy is Still American

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      Shido was now doing live training with the earpiece. Kotori had told him that a Spacequake was expected today so he was a bit nervous. He had just finished getting away from the teacher when he heard Kotori's voice for the earpiece.

      "Since Junko is in front of you, why not continue your training with her?"

      "H–Huh?!" Shido replied.

      Shido did not know anything about Junko which would make this incredibly difficult, so he asked, "I don't know where to begin, I barely know her."

      "You don't know the Spirits either so this is a perfect chance to test your skills." Came the response over the telecom.

      "Fine." Shido mumbled to himself before jogging to catch up with Junko.

      "Yeah Junko, I like your liveliness."

      Junko turned and stared at Shido for a few seconds before frowning slightly. "What is that supposed to mean?"

      "Not a great start." Kotori said through the earpiece.

      Reine offered to guide the conversation through the earpiece and with not much of a choice Shido began following Reine's direction.

      "I mean you really help the class atmosphere and I appreciate all the help you do in uplifting the place."

      "Oh, I see. Well why now?" Junko asked probing for more information.

      "Well, you just started to draw more and more of my attention." Shido cringed slightly at his words.

      "So what you're saying is that you were watching me in class?" Junko continued to press Shido. "Please Just get to the point Shido."

      "Yes, want to go on a date?" Shido cringed once again at the line he was told to say.

      Junko responded with a sly smile. "Ten days ago maybe, but right now I am a very busy person so unfortunately for you the answer is no. I have no time. I just got some time back to myself and I am not going to squander that. Oh and Itsuka-kun it's Suzuki not Junko."

      Shido was surprised more than anything. In his book this was a huge win. Junko had admitted that she would have been okay with a trial date if she had more time. Somehow Reine's guidance actually worked which was incredible. Shido ended up doing one final test with Tobiichi before the sirens began to ring.


      Murphy was in the library reading about the history of the world she now inhabits. It was quite interesting. 30 years ago there was a giant Spacequake that destroyed a lot of Eurasia. This ended the Cold War early. This did not mean that conflict was over. In fact the regional councils of many provinces in MainLand China, set up after the collapse of the CCP, refused reintegration with the Republic of China. This cost many lives in the reunification that is still ongoing. After the quake the USSR dissolved with the most powerful faction being the Russian Union Republic. Western Europe did not have the funds or the natural resources to go in and rehabilitate the region so most of the core soviet states were left to rot.

      The most interesting thing that Murphy noticed was that the Spacequake seemed to have also destroyed all of the nuclear material in the region which prevented a meltdown and further loss of life in the Eurasian region. Well, this fact was not written in the history book but Murphy was able to put two and two together. This means that there is definitely something more to Spacequakes that the government does not want people to know. Since Murphy could not enter the government contracted shelters she could investigate the Spacequake when the next one hits.

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