*What Did I Do To Deserve This?*

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Nicks POV
I didn't want to get up. Why did I have to be alive? Why me to walk this earth until I die? I dragged myself out of bed and picked out an outfit I'd been dressing in more baggy clothes because my insecurities have gotten so much worse.

"Nick?" Matt said rubbing his eyes "what's up sweetie?" I asked. "Mom said we're not going school?" He said tilting his head in confusion I just laughed. "Yeah but I have to she meant you and Chris if she meant me she would say mistake or something" I said packing my bag.

"Nick?" Matt said coming closer I hummed "Can I hug you?" He asked looking at me painfully. I was shocked. "W-why? Is there a reason?" I asked but Matt just wrapped his arms around me "You don't need a reason to be hugged...I just needed you to know that I do love you" Matt said walking back to bed.

I walked downstairs but I knew mom would be waiting. She always is. She hit me before letting me go. I left and ran to school as quickly as possible but I ran into a problem.


"What the fuck." He said grabbing me "s-sorry!" I apologised but he just threw a punch to my face. "C'mon Nick you know you don't get away with it that easily" he said smirking as he dragged me to the bathroom. I didn't want to go through this again.

Punch after punch.

Kick after kick.

Slap after slap.

Until I way laying on the ground barley even breathing. "Don't fucking run into me again." He said leaving the bathroom,I gulped and tried to get my breathing back but it was awfully hard. My nose was bleeding and my whole body hurt.

I cleaned myself up and walked to class. Everyone was looking at me some giggled some snickered and some let out laughs like hyenas. "Nicolas. Your late. For the 3rd time. Do I have to call you parents?" Mr James asked. "N-no I'm sorry..." I said my head hanging low.

"Probably don't even have a mom or dad" Malcom laughed as I walked by,I sat at my desk and there was a bunch of words written on my desk. In Malcom's handwriting.

Kill yourself
Waste of space

I looked at him and he just laughed. "Nicolas! God. Stay back for detention I'm calling your parents this is far beyond a joke." Mr James said "n-no! Please don't" I panicked as I saw everyone's gaze on me.

Tears started falling from my eyes as my whole body shook,my eyes hurried around the room and my legs dashed my body to the door and into the bathrooms. I locked the stall as I buried my head in my knees,my breathing quickened. "Nick come out. This is fucking stupid." I heard Malcom say.

"Why do you care?" I said shaking "Because your having a panic attack?" He said busting open the door. He grabbed my hands but threw me against the wall as my head hit off the concrete wall. He proceeded to pin me to the wall and strangle me as he kicked me in my stomach as I fell to the floor.

"Stupid gay cunt." He spat. I ran home i was covered in blood my whole body hurt. I opened the door and collapsed onto the floor. "Nick?!" I heard Chris say rushing over to me,I started coughing and before I knew it I was coughing up blood.

"Nick?! What the fuck happened?!" He said sitting me against the wall and rubbing my back. "I-I just felt sick..." I said rushing up to clean the blood before mom comes back. "Sick don't mean you come home with a bloody nose and bruises. Do you take me for an idiot?" Chris said.

"Sorry..." I muttered the blood was cleaned and Matt came down just stared at me. "Nick what happened?" He asked bringing me into a hug,I shrugged and just walked up to my room. But mom was standing there?

Nick angst Volume 1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt