Chapter Six

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|Home Sweet Home|


The grass was greener than she remembered. The sun was warmer, the smell sweeter.

"Home" Araelia sighed.

She was greatfull to be back home again. She had only been gone a few months,  but it felt like years. She was glad to be able to smell the blooming flowers and fruits, Glad to be out of a tent and back in a castle. Highgarden was the most beautiful place in the world to her. The white walls contrasted perfectly against the lush green that surrounded it. Araelia had a mind to ditch her group and ride for the gates as fast as she could.

In the distance there came a single rider, flying the Tyrell banner. As the horse came closer she saw it was a knight...not just any knight, it was thier second eldest brother.

"Garlan!" Loras shouted as thier brother approached.

"Siblings" Garlan smiled back.

Out of all of her siblings Garlan was the most calm, which striked Araelia Strange considering how perfect of a soldier he was. Garlan would take on three or more people at a time while practicing his sword work. She never told anyone but she begged Garlan to teach her how to fight with a sword. eventually her father found out and put a stop to it, but Araelia still managed to get a few practices in with Garlan whenever she could.

"I heard what happened" Garlan frowned.

"Yes, it was a horrible tragedy" Margaery nodded sadly.

Loras started at his horses mane, even the mention of Renly put him in a grief like transe. Finally he looked up "Where is Willas?"

Willas was the eldest, the heir. He was never far from father...although he should be. Grandmother was the one basicly running thier house.

"Willas is with Grandmother, Speaking of, She wants you back home emediatly"

"I will be there as soon as I can" Loras answered.

"Not you" Garlan turned "Lia"

Loras seemed angered by this "why is it that Grandmother always wants to see Araelia, she's the youngest, what could grandmother want with her?"

Araelia felt bad that Loras had lost his love but she wouldn't let him talk to her like that "I'm sorry about what happy to Renly, but you need to stop taking it out on us, Just because I'm the youngest doesn't mean in not the smartest. swords aren't the only thing that win wars"

"She has you there" Garlan raised a brow.

"Could we all stop bickering" Margaery was clearly worn out "we have been riding all day, I am sore and tired, you do not want to know what I would do for a feather bed at the moment"

"Fine" Loras reined up "shall we go?" He said with a little too much sass.

Garlen turned his horse to the side and guestured his hand towards Highgarden "After you, Dear brother"

Loras nodded stiffly and rode past Garlan. He had a tendency to act like he was the best, just because he's daddy's best swords man. The funniest part was that it wasn't even true, Garlan is ten times better than Loras.

Margaery Rode past Garlan as well but he stayed back and fell in with Araelia "Grandmothers eager to see you"

"Is she?" Araelia asked sarcastically.

Garlan chuckled "Still the same old Lia"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Araelia turned to him.

"Oh I don't know, I would have thought being sixteen on a King's Counsel would make one more...wise"

Realm of Fate and SacrificeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora