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Chapter Ten.

"Wait, are you serious?"
"Oh. My. Eos."


Koray danced down the steps to the market square. It seemed to good to be true. He would get to work with one of his friends at work. It seemed as if the birds chirped louder and the breeze blew cooler.

He pushed his way through the crowd to the bench where he'd seen Kallias the day before. He had no clue where else he should meet him, but here was as good of a guess as any.

Looking at the sun, it seemed to be noon, so he assumed it wouldn't be a while for him to show up.

It didn't take long for him to notice his long silky hair, though it wasn't open like usual. Instead, it was tied back with two braids from either side joining the cascade of silver that was his hair. He had two strands out that swayed in the breeze. It seemed like he was a prince from one of the stories he heard as a child.

He wore a white button down paired with a black coat. Along with this, he had matching black trousers and chelsea boots.

When Kallias noticed him, he raised his hand and walked over. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long. It took a while to find something to wear", he apologized. "I just arrived myself.", Koray admitted, "And I think you look great." He smiled warmly and confessed, "You look rather handsome yourself."

"I didn't say handsome.", he said mischievously. "You...", began the elf but trailed off when he saw Koray cracking up. He crossed his arms and pouted. He watched him laugh until finally, as he gripped his sides, Kallias took his hand. "This way," he urged, tugging at his arm like a young child.

He pulled him towards an empty section of town. It was an overgrown cobbled path, with weeds of all sorts pushing their way through the stone. "Barely anyone goes here this time of the year, since the lake is half frozen over. It's too late to see all the birds, and too early to skate on it.", he informed.

So they'd be alone there, Koray concluded. The thought made him stupidly happy, though he did his best to conceal it.

As they walked down the path, he kept glancing over at Kallias. He couldn't get over how good he looked. He seemed to detect his gaze on him, and met his gaze"What happened?", his companion questioned.

He shook his head and grinned softly. "Nothing.", he assured.

They made their way further in. Now, the trees were getting thicker, and the light struggled to read the forest floor. "It's dark here. Can I hold your hand? I'm slightly afraid.", Kallias asked sheepishly.

Koray nodded, interlocking their hands as the elf's lips twitched, trying to stay serious. "What?", he demanded. "Nothing,", the elf chuckled and leaned towards him. "You look so determined, it's adorable."

He blushed and looked away, still holding his hand. "Where are we even going?", he requested to know. "We're almost there. You'll see when we get there.", the elf stated.

Rolling his eyes, he let go of Kallias' hand and marched ahead. He could hear laughter from behind him, and footsteps approaching. "Are you angry with me because I'm not telling you?", he teased, slinging an arm around him. Koray crossed his arms. "Maybe.", he grumbled.

Without a warning, he could feel his fingers moving on his waist. "What are y-", he began to say but was cut off by Kallias tickling him. He yelped, trying to push him off. "Are you still mad?", he whispered in his ear. " No...", he mumbled, wiggling out of his grasp. He could feel himself redden, and turned away immediately.

"I'm sorry, was that too far?.", he asked, concerned. " No, it's just," he began, flustered, "I'm sensitive there." Kallias arched a brow, and moved his hands toward his waist once again, before Koray slapped them away. "You're very distracting.", he observed.

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