Chapter 60:Paranormal Activity

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Saiki Kusuo didn't know what to say for a moment. He stood there blankly. It took several seconds before he came back to his senses. He could only leave the cinema with a somewhat distracted pace.

‘What's going on every day?......’

‘If I had used telekinesis earlier, I should have been able to know that the cinema was not open today.......Let alone encounter the inexplicable situation today’

‘No, no, no, please be normal. It’s just that I haven’t seen the movie yet. Anyway, I already have the ring.I can go see it tomorrow......I need to calm down. '

Saiki Kusuo thought this as he walked towards the bedroom and put away the ring.

And at this moment, he heard a very familiar voice

【 Shizuku must live nearby, that’s right, that’s right. I remember the freshmen seem to live in this building!】

【It's all his fault that damn glasses man, otherwise I would have been able to touch Shizuku's special camera. Not only would I be able to feel Shizuku's body temperature, see her private photos, but I would also be able to get her mobile phone number! In this way, I can find Shizuku at any time in the future!】

【Damn it, that guy with glasses ruined my chance! But Shizuku will definitely come out. As long as I stay here,I can always see Shizuku!】

‘Yare,Yare, did I happen to meet you?

Saiki Kusuo's brows twitched slightly. The voice he heard came from the clerk during the day. The other found the location of Sakura Airi's dormitory building and planned to stay here to meet Sakura Airi.

A complete stalker.

‘I was going to teach you a lesson, but didn't I expect you to come directly to my door? Yare,Yare, I have no intention of taking this opportunity to vent my dissatisfaction! '

Saiki activated his invisibility technique, hid his aura, and quietly followed the man. All kinds of dirty thoughts kept coming to his mind.

And Saiki Kusuo is also preparing to take action

‘There are several surveillance cameras nearby. '

Saiki Kusuo activated his telekinesis, and several surveillance cameras around him seemed to have come to life, moving their lenses to other locations.

There is no monitoring here at this time

‘Then it's your turn!'

Saiki Kusuo raised his hand, and the clerk not far away felt as if he was being twisted up by an invisible giant.


Before the clerk could react, Saiki Kusuo's hand turned slightly again, and the clerk started spinning directly in mid-air like a yo-yo. However, Saiki Kusuo still controlled the speed and strength to avoid causing the other party and a certain person to hit him because of too much force. Become butter like someone in a certain despair academy.(If you know who it is ;)))


The clerk didn't even have time to scream, but he kept shouting in his mind.

After a minute, the rotation finally stopped. The clerk was completely unconscious and could not even stand. He could only squat on the ground and vomit.


And his brain is completely unable to handle the current situation.

‘It's not over yet. '

Saiki Kusuo's mouth corners rose slightly.

First, he activated his ability, took control of the clerk's cell phone, and anonymously canceled his account, and then made public all the perverted comments he had made on the Internet.

Then Saiki Kusuo snapped his fingers, and the clerk's clothes were torn in an instant, and he knelt on the ground almost naked.

【In the end what happened! ? what happened?! There's a ghost!!!!!! 】

This series of supernatural phenomena has frightened the store clerk. He had no idea what was going on. He even thought that he was hallucinating for a time.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

At this time, several security personnel from the school had arrived. They saw the clerk almost immediately, and immediately rushed forward and controlled the clerk.

Just looking at their skills, this The few security personnel are not idlers. After all, this is a key school invested by the government. The clerk has no room to resist.

"I just received an anonymous report from a student, saying that there is a pervert near the dormitory building. It turned out to be you! It's really a shame!"

The security guard scolded the other party sharply.

Saiki watched all this from a distance, and it was he who secretly informed the school security office.

The clerk looked almost naked now, exactly like a pervert, oh no, he was originally just a pervert.

"I didn’t!"

The clerk quickly wanted to defend himself, desperately trying to find a reason to excuse himself.

"I'm just stalking a female high school student!"

After saying these words, his whole body was shocked. He didn't expect that he actually said these words - this is exactly what Saiki Kusuo did.

"OK, are you provoking us? Has the lawlessness reached this point? Doing something like this in school is already a serious crime!"

"No, no, no, I, I just had a paranormal encounter! There are ghosts, there are ghosts here! I was suddenly caught in mid-air......"

"It seems that there is still a mental disorder. Headquarters, headquarters, call for support here......"

With several more security personnel arriving here, this incident should have come to an end.

Without surveillance, no one would believe the outrageous words spoken by this clerk.

Paranormal activity?Ghost? Who would believe it?

Seeing that the perverted clerk had been taken away,Saiki nodded slightly.

‘I felt a lot better. If I left that guy alone, he might cause a lot of trouble in school. It would be better to solve it in advance. '

Saiki Kusuo thought in his heart.

No matter what, the clerk will never be able to stay in school, and he will either bear serious legal responsibility or be sent to a mental hospital. In any case, he is doing harm to the people.

Saiki raised his head and looked at the sky. It was completely dark now.

"Is it already so late? Forget it, if that's the case, let's go and settle the matter about that idiot as well, right? Ishizaki Daichi and others from Class D?"

Saiki Kusuo then walked quickly towards the location of the Class D dormitory building. 

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