Kin of mine

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Season 1 episode 8

Valyrian=boldSeason 1 episode 8

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Maenya POV

It had been far too long since I had seen my half siblings.
All of my children had gone back to their chambers as I walked to mine, in doing so, passing my half siblings chambers as well and I found myself thinking back.

Last day of Aegon's second name day hunt-

Everyone was getting ready to leave and I didn't really know what to do with myself until I saw Alicent.
Aegon was crying in her arms and she'd clearly been left to deal with him by herself.

Poor Alicent looked overwhelmed and just about to burst into tears herself, I moved quickly up to her and took Aegon from her and rocked him, quieting him down

She let out a breathe
"Thank you..." she took deep breathes

"'Tis alright, take a breathe"

She nodded and walked off to calm herself

I turned my attention to Aegon and his tear stained face, I took part of my sleeve and wiped his face as he mumbled something

I smiled
"What was that sweet boy?"

"Mae!!" He cheered

"Mae?" I asked
"I'm not Mae" I giggled at him
"Maenya" I said "can you say that, Maen - ya"
I split up the word for him
"Can you say that? Maen - ya"

He simply looked at me again with big curious eyes
"Maeeee!" He yelled again and worries his small fingers around my hair

I laughed left me as I nodded, giving in to what the little boy wanted


The next chambers I passed where Helaena's

The day after Daemon came back from the stepstones:

I was sitting under the weirwood tree reading of one the many books that Ser Otto had assigned to me when I felt a tugging on my dress

I looked to my left and saw a baby with small strands of platinum hair and pretty pastel purple eyes.

"Helaena?" I asked gently as the baby giggled

I put my book down and carefully lifted her into my arms.
"Why are you out here all alone?" I asked, obviously not expecting an anwser

My book long forgotten, I stood and took Helaena back into the castle, servant ran up to me

"Princess, I'm so sorry, I turned for a second and she has crawled away from me!" The young girl, who didn't look much older then me, pleaded

"I will forgot this now but do not let it happen again" I lightly scolded

She nodded and went to take Helaena from me but I moved back slightly

"Oh, no it is fine, I will take her back to her chambers"

She curtsied and scurried off

"Now, let's get you back to bed"
I said to her, bouncing her on my hip as she giggled again

Once back in Helaena's chambers I placed her down in her crib and watched as she got very sleepy and closed her little eyes, I placed a kiss to her forehead and left


Finally the last chambers I past were Aemond's, I had already left to Dorne when Aemond was born though he sent me letters when he was a young boy, wether he wanted to or Alicent made him, it was still nice, actually come to think of it because if those letters, I most likely know he ins and out of my half brothers mind more than most

Once I arrived to my chambers I saw two things on my table.
One. Some things I had ordered from the black smith, four gold necklaces and a ring. All with the Martell sigil on them, since we would be staying in Kingslanding indefinitely, I wanted my children to have a piece of their home with them.
The necklaces for my daughters and I and the ring for my son.

The second. A letter?
I opened it and  recognised Rhaenyra's hand.

It has been many years since we have seen each other and even though our family dinner has not gone to plan, I do hope you and I may still exchange letters.
I wish for our feud of many years to end. You are my sister and sometimes I cannot help but recall the days when you and I were inseparable and then feel a wave of despair when I realise where we are now.
I miss you,
And I am sure if we talk to our children, we may come to an agreement that we can all live harmoniously.
-Your sister, Rhae


Not a single thought ran through my mind, Rhaenyra and I had been foes for so long and even if I did want to forgive her, I still can't help but feel the burning betrayal in my chest every time I think about what made us foes in the first place.

I would have to give it thought, talk to Daemon but...
I missed what Rhaenyra and I used to be.


Just a cute lil filler chapter.
Exam season has been killing me.
I had one at 9 yesterday and it went for on 3 hours!

Anyway i have about a week before I need to study for another exam so u will probably get a few more chapters before I disappear for a little and then I'll be back again

Thanks for your patience
-Issy ❤️

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