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Chapter Eight.

She continued staring at him, her eyes nearly popping out of her head. He followed her gaze, looking down and gasping as well.

Most of his clothes was torn, and bloody scratches were all over his body. He was so giddy at the success of his journey, that he had totally ignored the stinging pain in his arms and legs. "Ouch.", he winced.

She looked at him, her eyes round with wonder. " How... How did you get hurt this badly?" He grimaced and sat down, and as she treated his scratches and told her the entire story. When he came to the part how he defeated the Ghost Bison, she put down the cloth and gazed at him in awe. "You... You defeated a ghost bison?"

"That's rude, and yes, I did slaughter a ghost bison.", he huffed, not understanding the surprise. He didn't look that incompetent, did he? She looked at him, rather skeptical but believed him after he showed off his spoils. She smiled widely and finished the rest of the work in silence.

After Opaline finished cleaning his cuts, she signalled him to follow her up the ladder to her room. There, as he walked, his jaw fell open as he saw what lay in front of him.

It was a white silk shirt, with a notched collar that showed off his neck. It had long poet sleeves. Along with it, there were soft, beige coloured trousers and a reefer in a darker beige."Your shoes and belt would go great with it.", she commented. He could only nod his head as he gaped at the outfit. It was well-sown, the stitches couldn't even be seen. The fibre was soft and breathable.

Opaline laughed and steered him toward a desk with a large mirror. There, she picked up a brush and combed his hair. "You change now, okay? I'll be downstairs if you need anything.", she began to climb down the ladder when her head popped up. " Oh and, good job on the materials! I'll give you the rest of the list tomorrow!" He simply nodded at her.

It didn't take long for him to change into his new attire. When he was done, he looked at the mirror and smiled. He looked, if he was to say so himself, quite handsome. Slipping on his belt, he climbed down the ladder to find Opaline looking over the items he'd got.

Hearing his footsteps, she spun around and her eyes studied him from head to toe. "Not bad. You clean up well.", she noted. Koray grinned and sat on the counter. " What are you doing?", he queried. "Nothing. I was just wondering where you found so many shonoberries." He stiffened for a second, but laughed and answered her.

"I got some from a market stall. The woman gave it to me for free when I headed to the woods." Which wasn't a lie. On his way to the forest, a kind old woman had called him over and fed him some shonoberries.

She tutted, and smiled to herself. "Jazarna. She gives free things to whichever handsome man she sees. I'll tell her not to." He feigned offense and punched her arm playfully.

"It's getting late. Shouldn't you head to meet your friend already?" He perked up and glanced out of the window. She was right. Koray got off the counter and slipped on his shoes. "Thanks for all the help, Opal." She started to smirk, but then wiped the smile off her face. "Don't call me that."

He smiled even wider and bid her goodbye, closing the door behind him softly. He hung his coat over his shoulder and walked toward the tavern.

Then, he realized that he had no clue where the tavern was.

He faltered, looking around him and seeing no familiar faces. He tried to look for Jazarna's stall, but it seemed that it had closed for the night.

He was, absolutely and most definitely, lost.

He roamed about aimlessly, trying to ask anyone the directions to the tavern, but it seemed as if everyone was busy. He groaned. If this kept up, he wouldn't make it to the meeting on time! He slumped, sitting on a nearby bench.

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