Like Angels Put In Hell By God

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Scotland, 2022 

No one POV 

Maggie and Daniel were sitting in Maggie's house, and Maggie said "A few shattered vertebrae, a punctured lung... ... blind in one eye for five weeks." 

Daniel said "Two months, was it?" and Maggie said "He was in pain, excruciating" and Daniel said "He could fly?". 

Maggie said "Yes" and Daniel said "Like Superman." 

Maggie said "Not like Superman, Superman doesn't exist" and Daniel said "But in the air, with a "fuck you to Newtonian physics" flying?"  and Maggie said "Louis said that Lestat told him it was more like floating, arising at will, propelling in a direction by the decision. He called it "the cloud gift". Most vampires do not possess the cloud gift. With a few exceptions, only the most ancient of us have it." 

Daniel said "Does your husband have it" and Maggie said "Yes, he does" and Daniel said "So your husband is an ancient vampire." 

Maggie said "Something like that, your really worrying about age now" and Louis said "So for years, you lived with the vampire Lestat, and you didn't know he had the flying gift?". 

Maggie said "No, neither did Louis, he hid it from everyone, even Claudia, All his lies came together that day" and Daniel said "So, you found out all you knew about your mother was a lie, that he had killed your parents, that they had done nothing wrong, that he destroyed your life so he could feel better about himself, abused you at every turn and yet you stayed there."

Maggie said "I was fourteen, should I have left the only family I knew, for what  Lestat had disappeared after that awful night... vanished out of a profound sense of shame he would later confess to. Which was just as well, since Louis, Claudia and I were in no mood to receive his apologies. Me and Claudia we did everything to help him get better." 

Louis's Room, 1930 

Maggie and Claudia helped Louis up and Claudia said "You ready?" and Louis said "This is humiliating" and Maggie said "Then why don't you feed from me." 

Louis said "Your not a blood bag, I won't treat you like one" and Maggie said "It's nothing I haven't done before, I'm a human, you might as well use me for something." 

Louis looked at Maggie in horror and said "He does this to you" and Maggie said "Yes, you know that." 

Louis said "No , I didn't" and Claudia walked over and pulled Maggie's sleeve down to find the bruises and said "Oh that." 

Maggie said "Feed on me, Louis" and Louis said "No, just bring it" and Maggie and Claudia walked out and Maggie let the lamb out. 

Louis tried to catch the lamb but couldn't and Claudia said "We'll try again tomorrow." 

Outside, Maggie was walking out of a store (Maggie Voiceover: if we ever needed supplies, I got them because I would walk during the daylight, so I always did.) 

Maggie was walking back when she bumped into someone and Maggie said "Oh, I'm sorry" and the person turned around and said "No no it's okay, it's okay." 

He helped grabbed her stuff and Maggie said "Thanks." 

The boy said "No problem, oh by the way, there's a store even nearer here it has more of this, if your looking for it." 

Maggie said "Oh, I didn't know that, thank you, I don't go shopping much" and the boy smiled and said "Well, I just found it." 

Maggie said "You live near here" and the boy said "Just moved down the street." 

Maggie smiled and said "I suppose I'll see you around then" and the boy said "Are you okay, your neck,there's."

Maggie touched it and said "Oh, yeah I"m fine" and the boy looked over and said "Do you need something a doctor." 

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