💙Jj maybank💙

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Background: y/n and jj are dating and the pouges don't know yet but do think you have something going on because your very flirtatious with each other and always together.

We where all on the boat just chilling and dancing but as me and kie started to dance and spin each other around i feel eyes burning in the back of my head so i turn and see jj as expected staring at me.

"Come dance" i say waving my arms to him as he
raised his eyebrows at me.

"I don't dance y/n, you know that" he says and looks away, but i walk towards him.

"Cmon jayj dance with me" i say and fake pout grabbing his hands and pulling him up.

"Fine. But just so you'll stop nagging" he hides a smile and i giggle and dance hand in hand. I knew everyone was watching and even heard pope whisper a "what the hell" but ignored it and spun jj around the boat.

And suddenly i heard johnb yell "CANNON BALL!!!" And water splash. Jj looks at me with a smirk on his face and wraps his arm around my waist and i know what he wants to do.

"Jj. No"

"Cmon baby i danced with you now you got to swim with me" he whispers and picked me up bridal style. I hold onto him tight.

"No jj stop put me down" i yell trying not to laugh.

"You want me to put you down?" He asks and i nod "okayyy" he says and throws me into the water diving in after me.

Kie and pope jump in to laughing. "Jj enough flirting with y/n" kie laughs out.

"Yeah jj stop flirting with y/n" i say in a sarcastic voice as he pulls me away from everyone.

"You love it" he says and kisses me passionately after looking back at our friends to make sure they're not looking "you looked really hot when you were dancing" he says against my lips.

"Thank you but Jj, but we cant theyre right there they might see" i say and push him away.

"Cmon i just want to kiss my girlfriend" he groans And puts his arms up.

"the rule jb will be so mad" i say.

"Screw johnb i wont keep hiding this" he kisses me again. "I want to show off my girlfriend, let everyone know you're mine" he says desperately and pulls me closer.



I sigh and look back at our friends who are laughing at pope trying to be a mermaid. "Fine" i say.

Jj quickly hugs me. "Finally" he laughs "i get to tell everyone you're mine y/n y/m/n y/l/n is mine" he cheers and picks me up and i chuckle slightly.

Okay so that was the end. btw this is my first time writing so if its to short or bad tell me please and ill update or correct it so sorry in advance.


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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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