Chapter 25: Vacation Day One

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Fatima continues to sip on her wine. She noticed the water was a little cooler so she went ahead and started bathing. She knew Zac was probably already in the living room waiting on her. She finished her bath, dried off, put on her Bath and Body Works smell goods, and her pajamas.

"Ahhhh!!! Look who decided to finally join me".

"You acting like you missed me or something", Fatima said while walking to the laundry room to put her dirty clothes in the hamper.

"Well, I did. It was lonely all in here by myself".

(walking back to where Zac was sitting on the couch) "Awww, poor baby (while pinching his cheeks and sitting down next to him on the couch). What's this"?

"I made us a little snack tray and poured two glasses of wine to celebrate a great first day" (see below).

"I made us a little snack tray and poured two glasses of wine to celebrate a great first day" (see below)

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"That was so sweet of you. That looks like the wine that I was drinking in the bathroom".

(laughing) "It is. We have to finish it so I ran and got it when you were taking your clothes to the laundry room". Fatima just shook her head.

"You were reading my mind with the snacks and wine Zachary"!

Well I try to pay attention to you".

"Well you doing a great job so far".

Fatima picked up one of the small plates Zac placed on the table and put her some turkey, ham, cheese, and crackers on it. She also fixed a small plate for Zac with a little of everything on it.

"How you know what I wanted on my plate"?

"I didn't. I was just being nice and fixed you one anyway. Plus, I don't like to eat alone".

Zac smiled and started eating the snacks. "So what do you think so far", Zac asked.

"I think this is a great first day. We still have 9 more days left, so ask me that question again when we leaving".

"Ok. Bet. I'm going to remember too"!

"I bet you are"!

They both started laughing. Zac and Fatima started eating their snacks when Fatima asked Zac a question.

"Soooo Zac. Lets play a get to know each other question game. No question is off limits. We are complete open books. What do you say"?

"I'm all for it Ms. Wilson. I hope that you are going to be ready for the questions that I am going to have for youuuuu. How many questions we get to ask"?

"This will be an ongoing game. Let's do 5 questions first each since it's getting late. Then we will just ask questions to each other throughout the trip".

"Ok. Let's go! Ladies first".

"Ok Mr. Taylor. Question 1: Why are you single"?

"I haven't found anyone who peaks my interest with their mind. It's not just about how fine a woman is to me. Not going to lie that it helps, but not number one on my list. A fine woman can have an ugly spirit and that's not for me. I'm in it for the long run and looking for a wife. I was waiting on God to send her to me and I feel like he already working on it" (smiling shyly).

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