The Heirs of the Dragon

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Two moons have passed since Anastasia welcomed her babes, and Queen Aemma is due any day now

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Two moons have passed since Anastasia welcomed her babes, and Queen Aemma is due any day now.

Aemma shifted uncomfortably, "Gods, I can't bear this discomfort much longer."

Anastasia empathized, "I understand completely. It won't be long now."

Exhausted, Aemma sighed. "I hope so." She glanced at her belly before turning back to Anastasia. "Do you think Daemon and Aegon will return soon?"

"I'm not sure," Anastasia replied. "They embarked on a brief adventure, according to Daemon. But I believe they'll be back soon enough."

"They have a habit of disappearing whenever I am in my final moon, only to return at the last minute, just before I go into labor. It's a recurring pattern," Aemma remarked.

Anastasia raised an eyebrow. "And why do you think that is?"

Aemma pondered for a moment. "I'm not entirely sure. Perhaps the prospect of a new potential heir changes their behavior somehow. That's my only guess."

"They care about you," Anastasia assured with a smile. "Daemon holds you in high regard, trust me."

Aemma smiled with a hint of pain. "I know — it's just, I wish they wouldn't disappear suddenly. But that's just how they are. Daemon gets an idea, and Aegon usually follows him without question. It sometimes gets on Viserys' nerves. He thinks Aegon doesn't have much of an identity outside of Daemon." She widened her eyes. "Please don't tell Aegon I said that. I don't want them to fight with Viserys anymore, and definitely not because of me."

"Don't worry, I won't say a word," Anastasia assured.

Aemma nodded. "Good," she chuckled softly. "Care to bet how much that Rhaenyra is flying with Syrax today?"

"Bet as much as you want, because she definitely is. I saw her. You know she can't stay away from Syrax for long."

"Just you wait until your children can ride their dragons," Aemma smiled. "You'll be happy for them, but the worry that consumes you is constant. You'll always be praying to the gods that nothing happens to them while they're in the skies."

Anastasia still couldn't believe that her children would fly on dragons. If she could tell her younger self that, she wouldn't believe it. But what Aemma said was completely true. Anastasia would always worry about their safety, yet she would also find joy in the fact that they could soar freely in the sky and be protected by their dragons.

"Oh, don't remind me," they both laughed. "If you'll excuse me, Aemma, I'm going to see my children. I'll be back soon."

"Of course, go," Aemma softly smiled. "I'll be fine."


Lady Anastasia watched her children with a glimmer of hope in her eyes. Her daughter Naella, with her bright purple eyes and lively spirit, brought joy to her heart. Anastasia found comfort in Naella's giggles and curious gazes. Anastasia isn't worried too much for Naella. Her Naella is strong.

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