- |✷| HEADCANON: Momohiki Ash (OC) x yandere!Donatello Hamato..!!

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- |✷| REQUESTED BY: Ash425178

Your OC is interesting woahwoah. It's almost like Donatello, except a bit more hollow..

- |✷| ROMANTIC OR PLATONIC: romantic

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- |✷| ROMANTIC OR PLATONIC: romantic.

- |✷| TROPES: yandere x oc, fluff. . . I think.

- |✷| TRIGGER WARNING: Subtle mention of stalking, trackers, overprotective themes, subtle murder implication (??), manipulation (I think??), hints of isolation (??), themes of violence at some point

- |✷| CONTENT WARNING: Donatello and the OC may be OCC.. So, I apologise in advance for that, me saying 'maybe' and 'migth' WAYYYY too many times.

- |✷| NOTES: I might repeat certain words over and over since my dum-dum brain can't think of synonyms. And I refuse to search the up on Google. Once again, I'm sorry if both characters are OCC. Also, any form criticism is welcome, along with advices. Please point out if I made any sort of mistake uur, yeah.

- |☆| Alright, so, with Ash Momohiki being the same species of turtle as Donatello, aka, a softshell one, the first thing that came to my mind is that- erm, Donnie would make them their very own Battle Shell as well

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- |☆| Alright, so, with Ash Momohiki being the same species of turtle as Donatello, aka, a softshell one, the first thing that came to my mind is that- erm, Donnie would make them their very own Battle Shell as well.

- |☆| Of course he filled it up with all of his lover's favourite things, along with notes about their shared interests and stuff. He, as well, made sure it keeps em' safe while they are outside or near danger. Not only via protecting their shell though, but he also made sure that whatever enemy crosses their way, let's just say, urh, won't bother them again. As his creative genius mind had an idea to make an. Ahem. 'Automatic Battle Shell' for them !! Meaning it will activate when a hatred individual or enemy, such as, the Purple Dragons, are near.

- |☆| Maybe, for extra measures of safety, he might add a som erm, equipment, to his partner's tech-pet, Plut!! Although, he might- well, he will ask for Ash's permission for him to further advance Plut. He might add more weapons to the little..well, massive- tech-dragon than he already has, maybe even a tracker. Or two. Or three. Or four. He will absolutely make sure that he won't damage or malfunction Plutonium in any way, though, he promises !!

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