3: surprise

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This is where things began to look up. Y/n was shaken awake by Anita. "Get up, your family member is here," she said. She thanked her and sat up. Y/n doesn't have any other clothes to change into so she just walks downstairs to the living room where they are seated.

Yes, they. There are two guys seated on the couch.

One guy was not very tall with shaggy black hair. He wore a leather jacket with a white T-shirt underneath. The other guy was Mikey from the hospital.

Her eyes widened. The short guy, presumably Gerard, introduced himself. Y/n wondered the extent of eccentricity that her father meant.

"Hi, I'm Gerard, I hope you don't mind that I brought my brother with me," the shorter guy (definitely Gerard) said, standing up and walking towards the small girl. He held out his hand and Y/n shook it.

"I'm Y/n," she whispered.

Mikey stood next to Gerard. "No way! You're the kid from yesterday?" he asked with a smile.

Y/n nodded.

"Thank you, Anita. We'll be going now. Y/n, do we need to go get your stuff?" Gerard said.

Y/n shook her head. "No, I don't.. I don't have anything," she stuttered.

"Okay, we can go to the store today. Have you eaten recently?" Gerard asked.

She shook her head again. Jesus, this guy was so nice.

"Okay! We should go grab some breakfast, and then Ikea, then the mall?" he suggested. Y/n smiled and Gerard took this as a yes.

They drove off to Ihop and had pancakes for breakfast. They made light conversation and Y/n was beginning to feel more comfortable around them.

Once they finished, Mikey drove them to Ikea. They traversed the maze of the store and picked out things like a bed, a dresser, desk, chair, and bookshelves. They got to the kids' area. "Hey, Y/n, why don't you pick out a stuffed animal?" Mikey said.

She smiled, and walked over to the blahaj display. She then picked up a small one and brought it back.

"Oh, they have a big one. Fuck it, I'm getting that one," Mikey said. Gerard laughed as Mikey held the large three-foot shark. "What? They're awesome," Mikey responded to Gerard's laughter.

They made their way (rather slowly) to the checkout and then the exit.

The three drove to the mall. "Oh Gerard, when do we tell her? She obviously doesn't know," Mikey said.

"Now, I guess, because you brought it up," Gerard replied.

Mikey and Gerard began to talk at the same time, but Mikey cut him off. "Okay, remember when we met and you said you liked My Chemical Romance?" Mikey asked.

"Yeah," Y/n said, apprehensive.

"Well, we're in MCR. That's our band," Mikey said.

Y/n just stared at them, awestruck. "No shit?" she asked.

"No shit!" Mikey said.

Now that Y/n thought of it, Gerard and the lead singer's voice sounded quite similar. And Mikey did say they were in a band.

They went into the mall. "Okay, Spencer's first for posters and decorations?" Gerard said. "But don't you fucking dare go into the back."

Y/n laughed a little at his statement. "I won't."

Wake Me Up When September Ends (Adopted by Gerard Way)Where stories live. Discover now