Chapter 3: preperation pt 2 peter mitarashi

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   Shinji Hatake in requiem city he's immediately recognized by his civilians,they all come up to him asking for an autograph.

Shinji:guys guys I'm busy but as your requiem I'll always protect yall cus all of yall are family to me so yeah autographs later I'm busy with something okay

    The crowd are disappointed but are understanding they go back to their normal activities and their lives.

   Shinji sees Peter swinging through the city with his webs with his katana on his back, he spreads his demon and angel wings to fly after Peter. Peter unsheathed his katana and attacks him.

Shinji:hey dude chill I just wanna that's all(explaining himself)

Peter:sure you are but if you're only trying to talk to me why spread those wings it looked like to me you were trying to attack me.

Shinji:no I was trying to talk that's let's got to that rooftop over there(pointing at a random rooftop)

Peter:fine let's go but we're going to have ourselves an interesting conversation

Shinji flies to the rooftop while Peter swings to the rooftop.they sat on some random chairs on the roof,Shinji creates some soda out of nothing and hands one to him.

Peter:thanks(drinking his soda)ahhhhh refreshing (putting his soda down)now what did you want to talk about with me?

Shinji:look dude I'm dealing with an issue called Kara those shithead cunts are trying to destroy every fucking cosmology in fiction and reality shit they want to destroy hell and heaven.

Peter:oh shit that's fucked but did you try to get god or satan's assistance on this shit

Shinji:they don't want to send assistance soooo I ah e to do this shit myself but I'm going to need some fucking help and I'm going to need your help

Peter:I would love to help,but I don't know if I can what if my abilities aren't good what if I fail

Shinji:you won't if you have even more training so let's spar(spreading his angel wing on the right while spreading his demon wing on the left)

   Both throw hands,constant combos being thrown but than Shinji starts dominating the shit out of Peter in hand to hand combot,although Peter would make small comebacks here and there but it was no use Shinji outshined him in hand to hand combat

   Furthermore Shinji unsheathed his katana Ichirin Rakiri ready for a duel to test Peter on his swordsmanship skills, Peter unsheathed kumo the blade created by the weaver from the world of darkness but also having some symbols on the blade itself having the representation of the sun goddess Amaterasu of Japanese mythology

   Both clashed their blades, their skills are surprisingly evenly matched,Shinji in his head thinks to himself as they clashed "finally someone I can compete with in swordsmanship since I was 16 finally four fucking years later here we are Peter"

   They clashed constantly,consistently,and continuously clashing with their matched skills in swordsmanship,Shinji uses his kamui ability to teleport himself and Peter to empty land to use their ability with the sword to their fullest.

   At an empty dessert,both charged up their final attack.



    both clashed with their final attacks causing continental levels of damage to the area itself,smoke everywhere,3 min later the smoke clears out Peter on his knees exhausted with shinjis rakiri on his neck thus making Shinji the winner

Peter:you win but holy shit that was fun(he smiles at Shinji)

Shinji:welcome to the team now we got to look for more people and I know a person who can help us

Peter:who exactly?

Shinji:chrom Buchanan,the space time emperor

Peter:you mean the guy who was related to your former prime minister tajon Buchanan?

Shinji:yes that chrom he's a skilled fighter he's versatile when it comes to controlling space and time and he's really good with his blade falchion which allows him to cut through space and time itself and also I noticed that you have a contract with Amaterasu is that true?

Peter:yeah I do we have a equal partnership where we consider ourselves equals to each other since you no my blade is ownly for direct descendants of Amaterasu herself

Shinji:cool,tell me more later but now let's head to the home of the Buchanan family

Peter:where's that at exactly?

Shinji:at the city of solace falls is where the family of the Buchanans live at now come on let's go

Peter:okay boss man let's go

   Shinji and Peter make their way to solace falls to find chrom Buchanan in order to form a team in hopes to defeating Kara and the leader behind the organization.

   Meanwhile archangel Michael watches from afar as Shinji and Peter laugh and bonding over their battle they had an hour ago

Michael:well well well the filthy hybrid has made a friend already to deal with the Kara scum,oooooo I can't wait to kill you with my blade or my bare hands either way I will make sure to erase the very concept of being now let operation hybrid extermination begin

                                         THE END

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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