The New Norm

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Naya pov:

I walked through the sea of people in the hallway and got to my new locker. I shoved in a few things and looked at my timetable. I was having
Science in the first period and English Literature right after. First of all I needed to find my class. Just as I closed the door to my locker I saw someone a distance from where I was.  He was surrounded by a small group of people but he kept staring at me. He licked his lips and said something to his friends and began walking towards me while his companions walked off in the opposite direction.  He was tall about 6'1 black eyes and dark brown hair and looked half Indian almost like me. He finally approached me and leaned against my locker.
  "so you're the new girl huh, and you're pretty too. What a beautiful day to be in school and witness the angels come down to earth in a femine form. I'm Suresh by the way..." He said extending his hand towards me. I looked at it shook it
"I'm Naya. I'm new, pretty and also gay. Sorry to blow up your hopes but if it makes you feel any better, you'd definitely be my type if I were straight. " I said and chuckled and he joined me.

We talked for a few minutes and apparently we had all the classes together. He offered to show me around later and we walked down the hallway. I couldn't help but notice the nasty glares I was receiving from a couple of girls and boys too.
  "so you some kind of celeb here or something?"I asked him.  He just chuckled softly and muttered a 'you have no idea ' under his breath but I still heard it.

We got to class and the lesson began and I couldn't resist smiling at myself. I had just made myself a new friend and not just that he was the school's heartthrob. I was  proud of my lil new achievement,at least I won't be lonely here.
After classes were over Suresh showed me around and we chatted all day long. We literally had all the same interests in everything. He came over at lunch time and sat down at the same table as me to everyone's shock in the cafeteria. I asked him how popular he was and that's when he told me he was practically royalty here.
  "I'm technically royalty here. And it's not just me there are four other people and we are literally the bosses around here. We are the Regals."

I looked at him and kinda got the picture in my head. That explains why I got all those nasty glares.
Just then the cafeteria door flung open to reveal four people. They marched in and everything went silent. Mostly because many people were drooling over them. Truth be told they were really hot. There were two girls and two boys. One of the girls was a stud in the making while the other looked like a typical high school queen bee. The two guys were also very hot and to be honest I understand why people are swooning over them so much.
I got back to Suresh after he snapped his fingers in my face.
  He shared a knowing look with the stud of the group and returned to me saying "so they are the remaining member of the Regals. "

  "The stud is Lily Stevens, practically the leader and the most feared of all the rest. No one tries to get on her bad side coz she'll make sure you are miserable for a long time. Next to her is Amanda Brook and she's also as bad as Lily. The two have been friends since middle school so they are really tight. The blonde boy is Eric and he's not just hot he's gay too. The other shorter boy is Raymond and he's really sweet. He's the second nicest person in the group after me of course. But nobody messes with him unless you want to land in hospital. Eric is really protective of his boyfriend and would do anything to make sure he's okay. " he said and I just nodded in understanding.

I couldn't believe that I was hearing this. I had never imagined that there would be a whole gang of people who ran the school. After school Suresh and I exchanged numbers and I drove home. When I got home I had a snack, chatted for a while with mom (mostly answering her millions of questions about my first day) . Then I went into my room and texted Alisa about my day. Alisa also tells me what she did to Sheila.

   That bitch transferred after I exposed her. I caught her cheating on a test and then later I took a video of her making out with MS. Miller in the library. I posted the video and everybody went wild 😁😁😁
                     Naya 😍
                        She totally deserved it 😁

After that I was fully satisfied with my day. Greatest first day ever

Hey loves. Hope you are enjoying it so far. Give me any suggestions in the comments on what you want to see in the book. Also I won't be able to post another chapter until another two months so don't worry. I have to go to school (it's a boarding school and no gadgets whatsoever) so just enjoy this for a while. See y'all in the next chapter :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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