I turn to you

19 3 0

I turn to you

Dilly dally hitherto.
Roamed around like a moth,
in a moonlit room.

No flame.
Alas! I seek the source,
of my suffering.

Like a heart full of vengeance,
seeks the bitterness of revenge.

I seek the enlightening sight,
of an end.

You push and pull,
through invisible strings.
Like a marionettist,
with his cross brace.

Lift then throw,
the emotions of this mind.
Like it's a thing,
at your mercy.

I always thought,
I won this game.
If anything gets to me,
I'll just slip away.

Like sands in the desert.
From your hands,
into air.

A heart on wildlife,
turned into a domestic pet.
That danced at the sign of your fingertips.

I was used to see things leave.
Often left to myself.

So used that now,
I find the company of peace in solace.

So much that if nowadays,
if something stayed.
Past it's expected limit.

I'd ask it to leave, myself.

Then, you came.
I ran away.
You refused to leave,

Several times,
you're uninvited to stay.
Having observed,
this back and forth bickering.
I thought it'd remain this way.

Then, you saw an easier hand.
Went away with it eager,
tired of the wait.

Unexpected but not impossible.
You left.
Then, came back.
Left again.

How long till we're done,
with these bad habits,
we exhibit.

I don't mind though.
This rotten show.

Now I've gotten used to it.
Like a moth to a flame,
I like the sweet taste.
That comes from momentary endings.

It exists.
I know what'll become of me,
if I take part in the scene.

I go as a being,
return as ashes.
The way it ends,
it's flames never fail to engulf me .
Burned, yet intensely warm.

I'm an author .
I can take this much , right?
or so you think.

The slightest discomfort and now,
I turn to your game.
For momentary gain.

You win this once.
Good game,
my friend.

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