Don't Have Kids

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dad told us

not to have kids

until we have kids

then he'd look at me and say

 you look like your mother

  well your birth mom

   that other lady

it's crazy how it was my mother and never his ex wife

then he'd shake his head and walk away

this would often happen after I did something wrong

 lily, you didn't fold my clothes

or, his personal favorite

  lily, you made my pb&j wrong

   you must be doing something wrong

    you have to do chores

     until you confess what you did

then he'd berate me for hours on end

consisting of me

if able to talk saying

 yes si-


  there was no reaso-

before he cut me off

and then end with that up above

leaving me in a stunned silence

i do indeed look like my mother-his ex wife

i'm very light

too white

maybe he wished i wasn't

i carry her last name

he wasn't there because he wasn't sure it was his

i don't think i am

he only came because his own father wasn't in his life

and he couldn't bear to do that to someone else

it's funny


the little i know about my mother-his ex wife

is the person she thought was her dad

is not

generational curses

tears would stream down my face

sometimes i wish she had custody

then I'd hear him thunder down stairs

something he learned doing trash

something I had to help with

track, another thing i wasn't good at

i'd turn and busy myself with

some thing or anything

 see you

he'd say cheerfully

like he hadn't just stripped me of

all of my confidence

my identity

and the concept of me

  can you lock the door

   say see you to my wife

it's crazy that it's his wife and never my mom

and then off he'd be

sliding into his hyundai tuscan

and driving away within seconds

so i'd lock it

i'd say goodnight to mom

id lay in bed and go to sleep


i wake up

it's funny how your parents words stick with you

no matter how much you hate them

the words-not them

i have no kids

and i don't want any

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