Me? A savior?

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It didn't take long, it was about the next day when Y/N could already use his quirk again with no problems and regenerate what he lost in the battle. Originally Y/N wanted to see how the other three were doing, but apparently he got their room number wrong... Knocking on the door and quickly opening afterwards, he isn't met with three lightly bandaged teen boys, but a completely bandaged up mummy. Laying still in the room, looking towards the light sunshine entering from the windos. Nothing but the constant beeping and the birds from the outside could be hear.

"Well damn, did you come from a late Halloween festival?" Y/N whistles

"Very funny..." A coarse raspy deep voice answers followed by coughing

"Well holy shit, what did they do to you?" Y/N asks carelessly sitting beside the... Young man? It was hard to say.

"An accident, when a fight with a villain escalated, apparently endeavors fire quirk hit the building I was in. All in all, I didn't get out in time. Nearly burned to death and let's say my lungs didn't take light damage either." He took quite a while taking breaks between sentences and afterwards took a breathing mask from the side and put it on his face

"Well shit, how old are you?" Y/N asks

"22" the young man musters between his breathing

Y/N took a moment to think. Should he offer help? He wasn't aware if his quirk could still be acting up so early...

"I could offer you something." Y/N starts

"Huh? What could a teenager offer me..." He mutters

"I understand your... Pained situation somewhat, not as bad as you. But I could try to use my quirk to heal you." Y/N tells him

"They already talked about possibilities with recovery girl. Using accelerated healing would only cut my life short by about 20-30 years minimum." The man sighes

"... Well, I don't do accelerated healing. I can change the structure of a body with my quirk. I would need a picture of how you looked and could bring you back to where you where before the fire." Y/N tells him

His eyes widen.

"R-really?!" He 'exclaimes' and immediately starts coughing

"I could try, but... I haven't really used it to heal someone else with this much damage... Things could go wrong." Y/N states scratching the back of his head

"But what do you have to lose? Live is far to limited already to not take the change and try to get out of here" Y/N mutters

"You... Are right. I would like you to try." The man says determined

Y/N grins slightly standing up.

Alright now all he needed was a picture.

"Do you have a picture of yourself some here?" Y/N asks looking around

"The nightstand over there." He point to a picture with four people on it

Two men and two women.

"My parents and my sister." He tells Y/N

"I see." Y/N mutters looking at the picture for some time

Then he steps towards the bed, putting his hand onto the man's head.

"This could hurt." Y/N states

"I'm ready." The man reassures

Immediately Y/N's Hand gets a dark glow and the flesh of the man starts to move. In this position Y/N could probably do anything he wanted, turn him into someone completely different, or a strange deformed creature, or even something like that nomu... But no... He had no reason to, this man should be allowed a second chance.

As the flesh moves the bandages start to fall off. And no burned skin, no missing hair, he starts to look like the man on the picture again.

After some time, Y/N puts his hand away. The man takes a moment, looking at his body. Breathing in and out.

"Everything... I-is like it was before! Y-you are a savior! L-like J-jesus or something!" The man exclaimes

"Oh please, I am not the... Savior kind, really." Y/N mutters a hand on the back of his head another on his hips

After the shouting the door to the room opens.

"Is everything alright Mr....!? Mr. Muta!? What happened!?" The nurse shouts running over inspecting the man

"This fellow over here used his quirk to heal me!" Mister Muta tells her

"But we told you about the cells aging!" The nurse exclaimes

"He told me his quirk is different, it doesn't churn on the cells it changes the body." He explains

As the nurse turns around to talk to the 'fellow' who had healed Mister Muta the grey haired boy was already gone.

"I didn't even ask him for his name." Mister Muta mutters baffled

"But he looked familiar..." The nurse rambles


As the three boys wait for the doctor for their final check up, the door to their room opens revealing Y/N.

"Heya!" Y/N exclaimes waving to them

"L/N! You are alright again!" Midorya exclaimes jumping from his bed

"Your arm is back." Todoroki states staring at Y/N

"It's good to see you are up to health!" Ida exclaimes

Midorya inspects Y/N's arm and looks up to his regenerated face.

"You quirk is really fascinating. There is no sign of you even your eye and your whole arm look like they did before! You need to tell me about everything that happenend, I need to take notes about-" Midorya exclaimes

Y/N puts his hand into Midoryas face and pushes him away.

"Yeah yeah, be that as it may, I just want to wish you all to get better. I need to get going, someone is expecting me." Y/N tells them

"Alright thank you for you wishes!" Ida exclaimes shooting upwards and bowing down to a 90° angle

"Thanks L/N!" Midorya thanks L/N

Todoroki only nods towards Y/N. Afterwards he leaves the room.

Entering the hospital lobby, Y/N is met by a sleeping Mister Iori, sitting on a chair. Y/N tips him on the nose, to which he gains no reaction from the man. Y/N looks left and right, them turns his arm into a squishy hammer like form and strikes Iori clean on the head. To which the poor man awakens roughly.

"What!? Where!?" He shoots up looking around until his eyes land on Y/N

"Ah... There you are... finally" Iori sighes

"How about you get me home? I still have some pizzas in the freezer I'm stravin'!" Y/N exclaimes

"Yeah yeah, let's get going." Iori waves tiredly

As they both leave, the nurse and the young man enter the lobby. Looking outside he sees the boy leaving who had just about saved his live from suffering.

"That's him! H-he must be the rebirth of Jesus or something!" The man exclaimes to the woman

*Heya I'm back next update will be JJK story! I wish y'all a wonderful day!

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