Chapter 1: The Creation of Adam, Lilith and Eve

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As we all know, Adam and Lilith were created from the dust of the Earth by God. God wanted to see how his first creations would be if they were that of Humans, those that looked like Angels but well- mortal. 

The newly made mortals landed on the ground and woke up with a soft groan. They looked around the area before setting their eyes on each other. 

The male, having tannish fair colored skin, lovely wavy dark brown hair and soft water like blue eyes with his body type being lean yet muscular. 

While the female had lovely fair skin, shiny and soft straight platinum blonde hair and beautiful orchid purple eyes and her body type being slender yet firm.

They immediately felt a connection. Though they also felt embarrassed and covered themselves, mostly because they didn’t know what was going on and why they looked like this.

That’s when they noticed this being of pure light, a ring of multiple eyes and wings on the side of his head and on his back, all made of gold. He smiled down at the two. “Well hello, mortals.”

The Humans tilted their heads in confusion. “Who are you?” The woman spoke up. “I am God, your creator and watcher of all things living and non.” The male furrowed his brows. “Our Creator?” God nodded. “That is correct, my child.”

The male and female looked at each other. “What…are we..?” They asked at the same time. “You two are Humans, my new creation. I have decided to name you both Adam,” He pointed towards the male, then towards the female. “and Lilith. The first of mankind.” The male, newly named Adam, nodded. “I see….Why..Did you create us?” He asked the Creator.

God smiled brighter. “I wanted to see what my power could do if I decided to make mortals, making you both the first of your kind.” Adam and Lilith nodded at his words. “Now there are a few rules you MUST follow. Any act of disobedience will result in punishment.” God had spoken seriously. It made Adam and Lilith frightened for a moment. 

“Rule 1: You will NOT touch any of the fruits on these trees. These are the sacred fruits of Myself. Eating the fruits of these trees will result in dire consequences.” Adam and Lilith nodded. 

“Rule 2: You must stay within the Garden at all costs. This place is where I and my other Angels will keep an eye on the both of you.” Adam and Lilith nodded once more. 

“And Rule 3: You will NOT. Interact with any of my Angels unless I tell them to.” Again. Adam and Lilith nodded.

“Good, now that we have all of that covered. Welcome to your new life, Adam and Lilith. The first husband and wife.” To this, Adam and Lilith furrowed their brows. “Husband and Wife?” They both asked. God nodded. “It means you both are connected by marriage. You are binded to each other for eternity.” Adam and Lilith nodded. “We understand, Father.” Lilith spoke to him. Which made God smile. “Good! Now then, Have fun you two!” And with that, he disappeared.

Adam and Lilith looked at each other and smiled. It seemed like it would be a good time with each other….At least for the first couple of years.

It started out as a misunderstanding. Adam wanted to try out an idea that one of the angels gave him. He wanted to complete his bond with Lilith, by procreation. To which Lilith refused. At first, Adam complied. This was his wife, why would he push her into something she doesn’t want to do? 

But the more the angels pressured him into it, the more Adam became forceful. Adam didn’t like this, but He didn’t want to be punished if he didn’t follow their commands. Lilith refused again and again. It sent Adam into madness. She fled the Garden in the middle of the night to clear her thoughts without Adam noticing.

Drawn in by her sadness and independence, Lucifer found her within the outskirts and decided to comfort her. As the two began to talk with one another, the two fell in love with one another. 

And so as time passed on once more, Lilith became more distant with Adam, always going off on her own. Adam felt guilty and lonely. He felt as if he had driven her away because of his pestering with her about his…nuisances. The more Lilith left Adam alone, the more the guilt ate at him. He hated this. He didn’t like this feeling at all. 

It got to the point where God noticed this act of loneliness and bitter guilt. So he decided to go down to the Garden and gather his angels as well as Lilith and Adam. “It has come to my attention that you two are not working as much as I had hoped. Perhaps that is on me. But fret not, my dear Adam, for I have come up with a solution.” And with that, he used his magic as well as the angels to summon the items necessary. Instead of it being dust this time around, they had taken Adam’s rib. To Adam, it felt weird, but not as painful as he thought. 

And soon, they had created Adam’s new bride. She had lovely frail fair skin and long curly jet black hair, with a curvy yet slender figure. Once she was set on the ground, she opened her eyes. They were the loveliest green color Adam had ever seen. She looked around the gathering and immediately felt scared, holding herself while trying to hide within her hair. Adam immediately ran over to her and held one of her hands gently. “Hey hey…It’s ok..You’re safe..” He spoke gently. 

Her head slowly looked up at him, her frightened bright green eyes staring into his calm soft blue ones. She softly nodded, taking in his appearance. “W..Who..are you..?” Adam smiled softly. “My name is Adam, it’s nice to meet you.” She nodded softly. “ I..?” She asked once more.

“You’re new home.” She heard from behind. She squeaked in surprise as she stared at those surrounding her once more. She didn’t like all of this attention, so she buried her face in Adam’s chest, finding comfort within him. Adam smiled softly and held her close. “Hey, it’s ok…They’re the ones that brought you to life.” She looked at him. “They…Are?”

God dismissed his angels and smiled down at her. “Hello, my dear. I am your Creator. God.” The woman nodded. “Hello, Sir..” God smiled. “Your name shall be Eve. The second bride of Adam.” She furrowed her brows. “Bride..?” God nodded and began to explain everything to her that Adam and Lilith had to listen to when they were created. The woman, now known as Eve, nodded at his words. “Ok..I think I understand..” God smiled. “Good! Now I shall be on my way. Have fun everyone!” and with that, he teleported away.

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