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★Lucille POV★

"NO! THOMAS MICHAEL SIMONS! I SWEAR TO GOD. GIVE ME BACK ANNIE!" I screamed at my roommate, bursting out the door of my room and into his room where he was holding my stuffed animal axolotl, which I had affectionately named Annie, hostage. Annie was like my child, so when he stole her from me I had a need to retrieve her. The only answer I received was his very familiar laughter. "I hate you." I said angrily, snatching Annie back from his arms.

"I love you too, Luce." He joked, patting my head.

"Why are you so tall!" I whined, smacking his hand away, all in a joking manner.

"The real question is why are you so short?" He replied snarkily. I glared at him, flipping him off. "OI!" He laughed, flipping me off right back. I couldn't keep a straight face and bursted into giggles and he did too.

"Do you wanna stream with me later?" I asked, peering into his room, a couple hours later. He looked at me blankly.

He looked at me blankly, "I can't, I'm going on a date with Molly. You literally said you'd help me get ready, dumbass." He answered.

"Oh yeah," I muttered, letting my train of thought run wild. "Speaking of which!" I squealed, running over to his closet. "I need to pick you an outfit! What'd you say y'all were doing tonight?" I rummaged through his clothes. Before he could answer, I interrupted, "You said it's dinner at a fancy restaurant, right? So she'll probably be wearing some sort of dress..." He hummed in response, "Ooh," I pulled a black suit out, careful to not wrinkle it.

"Absolutely not!" He groaned.

"What? You'll look adorable!" I countered, placing the suit down gently on his bed, I went back to the closet, looking for a collared shirt. "...And here we are!" I pulled a basic white collared shirt out. He stared at the clothing, disgusted. "Oh come on, Simons," I begged, "For Molly!" I added.

He sighed and paused for a moment before reluctantly agreeing. "Fine."

"Yay!" I squealed. "That hair is not it, by the way." I looked at his fluffy, yet very messy and tangled, hair. "I will be fixing that," I looked up at him. He nodded.

"You realize this date isn't until, like, 6. Right?" He asked, walking over to his PC.

"Yeah, and it's already 4." I returned. He spun around in his chair.

"Already?" He questioned, wide-eyed, standing up quickly.

"Yes! Now go shower, idiot!" I demanded and he ran off, taking the nice clothing that I'd picked out, with him.

"Okay, Simons. The hair. We gotta fix that hair." I mumbled, fumbling through the messy drawers of the bathroom for my blow dryer. "Gocha!" I muttered to myself as I found it along with several brushes. "Ok Simons. Let's get you beautifulized!" I ran over to him, plugging in the hairdryer, and brushing his hair as I dried it.

"Oh God." He mumbled.

"Okay!" I looked up and down at him, proud of my work. "You are slaying! Molly's a lucky girl!" I squealed, "Picture time!" I demanded, pulling out my phone.

"God." He groaned, reaching his hand up to mess with his hair.

"Hey!" I smacked his hand away, "I spent a long time on that hair! I will end you if you mess with it!" I joked half-seriously.

"Whatever," He muttered under his breath.

I looked down at my watch. "It's 5:36," I sing-songed. "You should go pick her up," I added with a smile.

"Don't get drunk, please," He called, walking out of the apartment. He fumbled with his keys as he tried to lock the door. After several painful seconds, I just offered to lock it myself. Someone's a bit nervous, I suppose.

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