Action and Introductions

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An Unexpected Adventure Of Insanity Take Two

Chapter 2: Action and Introductions

Date: April 18th, 2018

It's been quite a while since I was last in the Miitopia world. Actually, that's not true. I've been coming back to the world regularly in order to get to know what in the world was going on. My miis and I have gotten a lot closer and I'm starting to get a hang of the skills that come with the Musician job. At first, all I could do was hit the enemy with a guitar. I didn't know what I was doing. But as I leveled up, that changed a lot. As we have explored this unfamiliar version of Miitopia, we have come across many things none of us had ever seen before and learned about our foes as well as others who are trying to stop them. Our foes are currently causing havoc and terror across the entire world whenever they show up somewhere. Some of them didn't even used to be foes of ours. Actually, none of them were at first. They were all sent to this world as well but then, some fragment of the dark powers unleashed by the Dark Curse, Dark Lord, and Darker Lord corrupted 2 of them who then turned on the others and began planning many malicious plans as a result. At first, there was Quizmaster SSundee, Gourmet Crainer, Postman Steve, Nintendo Fan Nina, Genie Trudge, Sarcastic Seto and Green Eyed Lady Luna. One day, they came to this peaceful Miitopia that had just gotten done with the Darker Lord conflict. They came here long before any of us did. But that dark influence must have been waiting for them. It was even somewhat formed from the collective malice of Miitopia's monsters. It took over Sarcastic Seto and Green Eyed Lady Luna who began to become obsessed with creating a Miitopia order that just screamed Nazi Germany.

The heroes of this Miitopia were banished and sent away forever by the corrupted Seto and Luna. There's no way to reach them and it is said that only by defeating the darkness that they can be saved. Those left from the Miitopia we knew tried to stop Seto and Luna from building a army to conquer Miitopia only for Trudge to be driven to insanity during the battle, reverted to a worse state than when he was greedy and selfish. He turned on the others and fell to the darkness's influence, becoming a servant of Seto and Luna in the process. After that, he nearly killed 4 allies only for them to beg for their lives to be spared so they were and locked away as a result. After that, a different group was sent who were also from the Miitopia we know. They are known as the Peace Force and have been hunting for those who have been captured and those who have been turned evil in order to stop the madness that was going on. Their members consist of: the Fab Fairies Grace, Sophie, and Akiza as well as Reborn Nathan(ex-Dark Curse). A lot of this information was shared by Guardian who ended up further tasking us with helping them out which we were going to do anyway. (Consider this story a renewed recollection of everything that happened this year of 2024 where the grammar and what not is vastly different.) Back in my world, I didn't have much recollection of what was going on but when I fell asleep ironically the night I wrote the original version of this story's first chapter, I ended up being sent back once again and even saw all kinds of colorful lights and stuff. I soon find myself in a bed with a red blanket(my favorite color is red) and even see my mii lookalike deep asleep in another bed in the same room.

Feeling a little mischievous despite my generally reserved and calm nature(which hasn't changed very drastically over the course of my life), I decide to wake him up by scaring him with my singing and guitar. But first, I need to talk about my miis. First, Energetic Chef Lauren(who is the wife of my lookalike). She has short blonde hair, green eyes, and reddish skin and is wearing a Legendary Uniform and Frying Pan. Next is my Kind Warrior lookalike who has red hair(the dyed kind which I wish I had irl but do have in the dream world of Miitopia anyway), brown eyes, and tan skin along with maximum mii height, Legendary Armor(with Dragon Helmet), and a Paladin Sword(wow, it's been that long since I customize my mii's appearance in the game?). Thirdly, is Energetic Thief Carlos(first son of Lauren and my lookalike) who has blonde hair(except it's default male short style) and reddish skin like Lauren but also my lookalikes eyes along with Legendary Gear and a Legendary Dagger. Afterwards we have Kind Cleric Madeline(sister of Carlos) who has long blonde hair, reddish skin, and green eyes along with Legendary Vestments and a Legendary Staff. Then, there's Energetic Pop Star Austin(brother of Madeline and Carlos) who has brown hair, green eyes, and reddish skin along with Legendary Threads and a Legendary Mic. After him, we have Energetic Mage Julia(sister of all 3) with long brown hair in an interesting style, green eyes, and reddish skin along with Legendary Robes and a Legendary Wand. Also, there's Cool Vampire Madison(wife of Austin) who has pale skin, black hair, and grey eyes along with a Legendary Costume and Bat. Then there's Laidback Scientist Dominic who has red hair, pale skin, and blue eyes with a Legendary Flask and Legendary Lab Coat. Finally, we have Kind Pop Star Alexandra who has short brown hair, brown eyes, and pale skin with a Legendary Outfit and Mic(she happens to be the daughter of a HBomb94 mii I made thanks to Tomodachi Life..).

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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