13. 2018

183 9 0

Recap of the last chapter ; Emmalin became the Duchess of Norfolk, and a working royale again. Emmalin started struggling a little bit with her image. William and Catherine had their 3rd child, Prince Louis, Duke of Cambridge. Harry and Meghan got married, and the night of their wedding Emmalin drove off drunk, and her vision went black while she was driving. 

William's POV ;

I am with Catherine, and we're dancing the whole night away. Since we don't get to do things like this a lot, due to the paparazzi always being around. But they aren't around tonight, we can act almost however we want to tonight, we just can't make any decisions that could impact the rest of our life.Getting lost in dancing with my wife, I start to think to myself 'when was the last time I saw Em?'

I turn to face my wife. " When was the last time you saw Em?"

" I uh, I don't remember. I think it's when she gave her little speech earlier." She replied, stopping what she's doing.

" Ok, um, no need to sound the alarms yet. I'm going to go look for her. I'll let you know when I find her." I explain, walking away.

Searching the entire place, I can't find my sister.

I think of one last place she could be, the balcony. 'Maybe she went there, that's where she always goes when she's upset' .

Making it to the balcony, I step outside into the warm spring night. I start to freak out, my little sister is nowhere to be found.

Looking out into the distance, I see a huge crowd of people all secluded in one spot, and I hear sirens.
Stepping a little closer to the edge, I see a black car I know a little too well.

I stumbled back a little bit. No, it can't be.

Without a second thought, I rush back downstairs and leave.

Stepping outside I confirm my beliefs a little more. The car I previously just saw is missing.

I rush to the nearest car I can find, get in the driver's seat, and drive off to the location I saw a crowd of people at.

Arriving, an officer sees me, and allows me to pass, which only confirms my beliefs even more.

Inching closer to the scene I see the black car smashed into the light post, and a girl with strawberry-blonde hair laying on the ground getting CPR.

No. I don't believe it. It can't be. This can't be happening. I get out of the car.

" Emmalin!" I yell while being kept back a distance from the scene by an officer.

After what felt like the longest 2 minutes of my life I heard a paramedic yell they got a pulse.

I watch them load my baby sister into an ambulance and drive off.

Falling back a little bit I rush back to my car and drive off, following the paramedics.I started making phone calls to granny and papa.

Granny doesn't answer, but papa does.

" William? Is everything ok?" Papa asks me, with a hint of worry in his voice." No, E-em had to be rushed off to the hospital." I say, not wanting to explain the rest." What do you mean she's been taken to the hospital? Is she alright?" He asked me." There has been a car accident, Em crashed a car into a light post." I finish saying." Is she alright?" He asked me." I d-don't know. I-I do know they lost her for 2 minutes, but got her back. No one knows, well that is in the family." I finish saying, knowing there's going to be news stories about this." What do you mean by that?" He asked me." Well, there were a lot of paparazzi at the location, all taking pictures of Em while the paramedics were doing CPR on her." I explain, starting to get flashbacks from my mum's death." Ok, I will get a hold of your granny and grandpa, and see what they want to do. Go get Catherine, and go home. Don't speak to anyone." He instructs." Ok, but what about Harry and Meghan?" I ask." Right as that. Their reception is going to have to be shut down, and everyone needs to go home. We have to make sure no statements are taken tonight. Do you understand me?" Papa asks me.

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