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"hey Julie" I dropped down onto the end of Julie's bed

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"hey Julie" I dropped down onto the end of Julie's bed. The girl jumped nearly dropping her phone. I smiled sitting up "whatcha doing?" I asked.

Julie sighed "you need to stop doing that" she placed her phone on the table beside her bed "I was just scrolling on instagram" she said.

I squeezed my eyebrows together with only a small smile, a little confused "I don't know what that is" I shook my head.

Julie lightly nodded "right. Forgot about that" she sat up, keeping her eyes on me "so what are you here for?"

I was a little surprised she didn't know considering we made plans for this yesterday while she was at school, I even wrote it down in her notebook. I raised my eyebrows, putting on an offended look  "you forgot?"

Julie's face seemed to drop for a minute as she scanned her mind for a memory, which clearly didn't come to her.

I laughed "today is our first writing session, as a band. Except without Alex and Reggie because Reggie would only want to write country songs and Alex finds writing hard and 'like English schoolwork' which is complete bull—"

"—Lily" Julie me cut off. "I get it, okay. I'll meet you in the studio."

I sent Julie a big smile before poofing back into the studio where Luke was patiently waiting. Which might have been weird if he wasn't holding his notebook. Luke is anything but patient.

Once he noticed I was back he looked away from his notebook that he had just been writing in "is she coming?" He asked as I skipped over to the couch.

I nodded "yep" I sat beside him and looked down at his notebook. I gasped "you started without us?" I asked with an offended look.

Luke rolled his eyes "you guys were taking too long" he shrugged.

My offended look dropped and morphed into a confused look "dude. I was gone for maybe five minutes"

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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ALL-AMERICAN BITCH , luke Patterson Where stories live. Discover now