Me and Sierra

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As Soon as I got the news I told my only best friend sierra. I first met her when I was 5, my classmates were bullying me because of my voice but she stood up for me and got a demerit (a minor punishment slip ). I told my mom about it and she said she was her friends daughter and she scheduled a play date for us . But, our friendship changed because I moved schools since my mom didn't like her mom because she didn't give her cigarettes and alcohol because I left that school her addictions grew worse .she started getting mad at the smallest things. like if a asked her to sign my test papers she would start yelling and say I'm stupid
.one time she took my phone and laptop for getting a 98 on test ,my mom slowly started treating me worse. she would beat me because I came in her room her room was full of glass bottles and cigarette smoke it got to the point that She stopped caring me to the doctors because of my bruises
I had to put makeup on to cover them
She made a list of chores for me to do and when. I forgot to do one she would hit me with her black belt with silver accents the day when my my dad came home from his business trip in America and that's the day my mom left.

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