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Brian's POV

I had had this date planned for weeks. I knew exactly where we were going and what was going to happen. The drive to the park was nerve-wracking; my palms kept sweating on the steering wheel. I just hoped that it would all go according to plan. The one thing keeping me sane at the moment was the beauty that was sat next to me in the passenger seat. The greatest person I know, my best friend, the person I get to call my girlfriend - Meredith Stepien.

Just her presence is enough to calm me down from any situation. So this car journey was a lot less stressful than it could have turned out to be, yet a small thought in the back of my head still kept me on edge. But there she was, wearing one of her floral print dresses, her brown hair curly as it usually is and those stunning brown eyes of hers that I always seem to get lost in.... Brian! Focus on the task at hand.

What was unsettling though was the silence that had found it's way into the car. Neither of us had said a complete sentence since we set off from her apartment, only a quick exchange of hellos, so I guess that hadn't helped with my nerves. All that filled the car was the soft hum of song coming from the radio.

Before long, I had parked the car in a spot near our local park. However, before I could actually leave the car, I felt a hand placed on my thigh. Looking up, I saw those brown orbs of hers that make me fall in love with her again and again connect with my blue ones and a wide smile across her face.

"Brian, I'm really looking forward to what you have planned for us tonight." Meredith spoke in a soft whisper, in that kind, caring way. Yet I could see a sparkle in her eyes that showed her excitement. We both got out of my car and I went to the trunk, where I had stored a basket filled to the brim. Closing it and locking the car, I met up with Meredith who was stood at the front. Her eyes gave me a questioning look towards the object in my arms, yet that grin of hers never faulted, still showing her excitement for the evening.

I took her hand in mine and she laced our fingers together; I could feel a smile tugging on my lips at this small yet adorable gesture by her. From there, we both made our way through the park, along the stone cobbled paths to one of the hills that we would always go to whenever we were here.

This hill was different than all the others in the park; it had a special spot in both of our hearts. It was here that we had told each other that we had the same feelings as the other. That was a memorable day for the both of us. The grass covered hill had a giant tree with vibrant green leaves crowning the top of it. Under the tree was where we would always sit together.

We reached the top of our hill and stopped. Meredith still had a look on her face that questioned what I had up my sleeve, but when I pulled out a navy blue and green checked blanket out of the picnic basket and placed it on the ground, her expression switched completely as she understood what was happening. Her smile was contagious. I couldn't help but smile too!


So that's where we spent the next few hours. Atop this hill that was in the middle of a park. To others it was a random hill here, but to us, it meant something. We had talked, laughed, eaten all the food I had packed in the basket and generally had a great time together. That's why I love her the way I do. We get on so well and even the silliest of conversations between us can mean so much.

We were sat cuddled up together, her on my right side with her head on my shoulder and my arm wrapped around her shoulders, just watching the stars high up in the sky after watching the beautiful sunset not long before. She looked adorable wearing my jacket that was slightly too big for her.

"Brian, thank you for this wonderful evening. I never thought I could have so much fun on a date, but I guess you proved me wrong." She said with a slight giggle. I couldn't help but grin at this.

"It was my absolute pleasure taking you out tonight. And I had fun too. But then again, I always do whenever I'm with you Mere." I replied truthfully. A could see a slight blush creep onto her cheeks at my comment.

"However," my smile dropped a bit "there is one thing that could make this night even better than it already is." I could see she was smiling so I accepted her challenge.

"And what thing would that be Miss Stepien?" A could feel a smirk play on my own lips. Her smile only got wider, if that was possible.

"Well, Mr Holden, it would be this."

Her eyelashes fluttered shut as she started leaning closer until our faces were inches apart. I knew what was going to happen next, just as I had hoped it would. My eyes shut too and I leaned in as well. We slowly edged closer towards each other.

I felt my lips connect with hers in a soft yet emotion-filled kiss. They fit together like two pieces of a puzzle; perfectly like they were meant to be. I loved the feeling I got whenever we shared a kiss. It reminded me that I was so lucky to have Meredith in my life and I hope that she never leaves it. In that moment, I honestly must have been one of the luckiest guys in the world, as all I could feel from the kiss was fireworks.

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