•Weird Deer S**t•

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"then we go to Red rocks?" Gus asked playing around "don't push it" jepp said getting serious


You, Gus and Jepp stood on near a ledge to check out the view, after a few moments they continued walking

A few moments Gus said something to Jepp "We never had those flowers, Pubba would've liked them." Jepp just replied with "That means the Sick's been up here." You understood but Gus protested with "Doesn't look sick to me."

"those flowers show up, every time the Sick does, They're like an omen or something." A question popped up in Gus's head "How come you don't get the Sick?" Jepp replied with "I eat a lot of Wheaties."

You slightly laugh and shake your head but Gus gets confused and looks at Jepp, Jepp just says "I don't know, kid, some people are just born lucky" everyone goes on a long pause until Jepp says "Come on"


The three of you walked across old rivers where it used to be water but it's just rocks, forest and through slight rain until you all got on these train tracks

Gus was balancing while walking on one track, You were behind him making sure he'd stay safe, and Jepp was walking normally until Gus randomly asked "Are we there yet?"

You face palmed and Jepp said "Almost." You nor Jepp were expect this slick question Gus said "Real almost, or just almost to make me stop asking?" You said "Oop!" And hid you smile while Jepp did a quiet laugh and replied with "Real almost."

Gus saw some mushrooms and wanted to eat them, he reached out for them but you hit his hand, he looked at you and you said "You can't eat that, here." You give Gus a chocolate bar you secretly stole from those dumbass's earlier


It was dark out, you, Gus and Jepp were walking but then you all saw a bus with leaves and branches all around it, you stopped Gus and Gus said "that's not Colorado"

Jepp opened the door of the bus and said "nope. it's my stash" without looking back nor wanting to

"But I thought you said-" Gus tried but Jepp cut him off "got to get a few things, we can stay here tonight"

Jepp finally turned around and saw your hand in front of Gus, he sighed and said "it's ok, kid, it ain't dangerous" you weren't sure but Gus nudged you a little, you sit there contemplating for a few mere seconds

You sigh, roll your eyes and let Gus by, but with you close behind. When Gus gets on the bus, he sits there staring in awe and said "whoa..."

You would love to sit there and smile at how your younger brother is being right now but you really want to sit down, so you climb past Gus and sit down but in the process you hit the stab womb again, you were gonna groan but you kept it down so you could look strong enough for your little brother

Gus looks at you and says "you could have told me to move over or something" like he knew what happened, you look at him and say "...nah" while shaking your head

Gus shakes his head while smiling and then starts walking towards the back and says "so is this where you live?" To Jepp

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 29 ⏰

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