We'll Always Have Paris

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                Laura Prepon knew it was gonna be a long day. She was currently in Berlin, Germany doing press for the third season of the show that gave her the popularity she had today, Orange Is The New Black.

She had just barely landed when she started prepping for the round of interviews that she was going to do with her co-stars, Taylor Schilling and Uzo Aduba, and also Laverne Cox who was joining them a little later into the day.

It was an hour later when there was a knock on her hotel room. She went to the door and opened it to the beaming smile of Uzo. "Hey, girl!" They pulled each other into an embrace, feeling ecstatic to have seen each other again after quite some time. Hiatus meant a few months without seeing each other and barely communicating, so these round of press they were about to do wasn't only about work but also a time to catch up with good old friends. "Come in!"

"It's so good to see you! What time did you arrive?" asked Uzo who had arrived in Berlin the day before, only a short while after Taylor.

"Probably about an hour and a half ago. I feel like my head is spinning but a girl's gotta do her job, right?" Laura chuckled as she sat down with Uzo on one of the couches. "Where's Taylor?"

"Oh, she's still in her room, still being made up but she's almost done. She said she'll be here in a minute."

"Great! So, today we take photos, then two radio interviews then Netflix party tonight?" Laura asked, wanting to make sure that she got their itinerary for today right. She was mostly excited about all the sightseeing they were gonna do today even though she'd been here before. But she loved this city and she knew she would never get tired of roaming around the place if only she had the luxury of time.

"Yes, but not before Tay and us explore a little bit first." Said Uzo, showing the same excitement Laura was feeling about the day.

"That sounds like a plan, girl!" Laura chuckled as she heard another knock on her door, aware that it was Taylor. True enough, when she went to open the door, Taylor was standing in front of her with the biggest smile she could muster.

Almost immediately, their smiles changed into something only the two of them understood. It was that kind of smile you only gave one person, that kind of smile that only existed when that other person's around, that kind of smile that always followed the same smile from the person who's the reason that smile even existed. There was always that unspoken truth between Laura and Taylor about having that smile only for each other but they refused to think that it was anything more than a normal grin and was adamant to think that it was the same damn thing they had for every other person they knew. But it wasn't. And every person who's with them a lot probably knew that.

"Hi," Laura said, almost in a whisper, aware of the eyes that were probably on her and Taylor right now, but not caring because she knew it wasn't going to be that big of a deal anyway.

Uzo was only one of the two people who knew about her and Taylor's past, the other one being Natasha Lyonne, but being two of their greatest friends, they had managed to keep their noses in their own business and had never mentioned about what happened to them before ever again, right after she and Taylor decided on just staying friends.

Both she and Taylor, and probably Uzo and Natasha, too, knew that something changed between them after that thing they had more than a year ago now. At first, it almost caused them their friendship. But both also knew that losing each other was not an option they wanted to take so they decided to talk about it like mature, rational people and completely start with a clean slate, resulting to an even deeper friendship none of them knew they were capable of having.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2015 ⏰

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