"Well... sigh, Caelus is on the move with a woman. It seems like they're dating. Oh! They're drinking in a bar as we speak," Silverwolf reported, her irritation palpable.

Silverwolf watched the screen with a pout. Caelus has been very daring ever since he lost his memory. Maybe she and Kafka should have taken him back to their base back then. Yeah, this is frustrating to watch.

The communication line fell silent, the weight of SAM's impending response hanging in the air like a heavy shroud. Moments later, her voice rang out, devoid of emotion yet laced with an undercurrent of anger.

"Dating, you say? I'll be right back."

With that, the communication line went dead, leaving Silverwolf to grapple with the consequences of her revelation.

"Andddd she's angry. Welp, Kafka won't like this either. Haaa~" Silverwolf sighed, resigning herself to the inevitable fallout of her actions.

Silverwolf paused her game and stood up from her chair energetically, having recharged her social battery.

As she prepared to make her debut in the dreamscape, little did she know that her every move was being watched by a figure lurking in the shadows—a woman with eyes of crimson and a smile tinged with malice.

"How naive of you, Silverwolf," the woman murmured, her voice a sinister whisper. "I am already on my way. Fufu~"

With that, she vanished into the darkness, her intentions shrouded in mystery and intrigue.


"Achoo!" Caelus sneezed, a sudden interruption to their leisurely stroll through the Golden Hour, the remnants of their heartfelt conversation still lingering in the air.

Acheron raised an eyebrow at his sudden sneeze, her gaze shifting to him with a mix of amusement and curiosity. "Someone must be talking behind your back," she remarked. "It's no secret that superstitions and the like become reality, especially in the dreamscape."

Caelus wiped his nose and sniffed, his expression a mix of annoyance and disbelief. "If that's the case, then who would do that? I am a man devoid of wrongdoing!"

Acheron kept quiet, choosing not to respond. With her sword, she could see memories and people, so delving into his memories, she couldn't help but feel annoyed by the sheer number of women Caelus had met. It was mind-boggling, to say the least, and it frustrated her even more now that she had made her feelings clear to him.

Nobody, absolutely nobody, touches him without her permission, unless they want to meet her blade.

Instead of voicing her concerns, she offered a more plausible explanation. "It could be the people from the Astral Express. I'm sure the call you had to answer was from one of them—they must be worried about you since you're alone without a guide."

Caelus shook his head and raised a finger, but then suddenly dropped it when he reconsidered. March had called him about his whereabouts, which, to some extent, could be considered a sort of self-report to Himeko and Welt.

"Actually, yeah, you could be right about that. She did call me, after all."

Acheron's annoyance flared at his casual mention of 'she', but she quickly masked her emotions behind a facade of indifference. "She?"

Caelus halted his steps, raising his hands in a gesture of innocence. "It's nothing like that! March and I are really good friends. Heck, I would count her as a sister figure!"

Acheron regarded him with skepticism, her irritation simmering beneath the surface. "I see."

Turning on her heel, she started walking ahead without him, leaving Caelus scrambling to catch up. He ran to her side, his voice laced with apology. "I'm serious! March is like my sister, and Himeko is like an aunty figure!"

Her Beacon (Acheron x Caelus)Where stories live. Discover now