○●When They're Mad●○

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Aries: Plans to destroy whoever made them mad, Watch out...

Taurus: Takes a long nap, and would hurt anyone right then and now if they wake them up.

Gemini: Reading stories or watching Anime.

Cancer: Goes on social media and gets payback, by making the person (Who made them mad.) look bad.

Leo: Takes anger out on anything or anyone near them.

Virgo: Starts a long argument with their parents, or friend or just some random person on the internet.

Libra: Eats a lot of candy in their room.

Scorpio: goes to clean their room, or doing whatever they think will calm them down.

Sagittarius: Keeps their headphones on and listens to hard or soft music. (Depending on how mad they are.)

Capricorn: Calls their friend to come over and talk about it, calmly...... maybe.

Aquarius: Goes to work out or run it off in the neighborhood.

Pisces: Doesn't really know what to do, besides sit there and think.

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