Mind of Mine

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Night had fallen, and never in his wildest dreams did he think he would be sitting at a dining table with Monet, Vergo, and Doflamingo. And damn, did his back ache. The whips from the prior night certainly had taken their toll on his body. Of course, at this point he wore a single sea prism cuff on his right wrist—it was literally immovable, impenetrable. At times Law thought of cutting off his hand when he was alone, and the moment the cuff was removed he'd create a room and operate on himself to fix it…doing that was a gamble, however. It wasn't full proof. He'd further contemplate that at another time. Obtaining the key to his cuff was out of question since the eyes on him were very keen. Of course he was hesitant of the food placed before him, since Doflamingo openly expressed how he enjoyed poisoning the other from time to time. Unfortunately, he needed all the strength he could get, and taking a gamble at this point could eventually kill him. Silently, Law ate, avoiding eye contact from the others purposefully. He just…really needed his own space. A bit sluggish with his movements due to the sea prism, Law chewed his food uneasily.

Doflamingo, Vergo, and Monet were discussing something about an agent they didn't like…and apparently he was using a fake alias that slipped under their radar. They were currently working on digging up the man's real identity…Apparently none of them knew what he looked like beneath the bandana he supposedly always wore. Not really caring much for the topic, Law tuned out of the conversation and found himself thinking of his crew on Zou. He had lost his vivre card that lead to them…courtesy of Doflamingo stripping him bare before their departure from Dressrosa. A brief flare of anger stirred within Law, he'd never forgive Doflamingo for what he did to him…Letting go of that topic quickly in order to save his mind from depressing thoughts, the surgeon took another bite of the overcooked fish on his plate only to chew absently and contemplate the amputation of his hand again…

"Looks like Law enjoys my cooking," Monet smiled and landed her eyes on the tattooed male beside her. She folded her wings away and leaned back to relax in her chair.

Vergo swiftly grabbed the back of Law's hair and pressed his face down onto the table beside his plate. Silverware clinked from the brief jolt. "Ungrateful brat, show some gratitude."

Cheek pressed flush against the table, Law groaned out of irritation. "Eh…" came a simple breath. He would never have a single moment of peace in this hell, now would he? Biting back his tongue in order to stifle his oncoming curses, Law remained still, letting Vergo have his way. He gripped the edge of the table wearily, apprehension bubbling within him like molten lava.

Eyes on Law, Vergo smirked to himself after assessing his compliance with the action. It was about time that the damn brat gave in. It felt good.

It was interesting, really. Law would always put up quite the fight, and it seemed as if rebellion ran through his very veins. There was no doubt that he absolutely loathed Doflamingo, and that he would do anything to escape from his clutches. These facts alone made it far more rewarding when the surgeon actually gave in to Doflamingo's wishes. The blond seemed to achieve this only when he had Law pinned down for an excessive amount of time. If anything, the blond loved being the one to wind up on top, especially in bed. It made him feel extremely dominant and superior when he physically and mentally degraded the other beyond comprehension—especially through sexual exploitation and intimacy. Losing in a situation as raw and primal as that…well that was what brought Doflamingo to his own state of nirvana.

Doflamingo, forever sporting that oh so very conniving grin, took interest in the fact that Law had zero response. Lately, he'd been letting things happen to perhaps save his body from another beating? Yes, he was probably saving his strength for another viable chance to escape. But…how long would it actually take the other to fill that empty void of a reservoir? It was no immediate threat to Doflamingo, because in the end he wouldn't be providing Law with the chance ever again. "Vergo, don't let him off so easy. He hasn't thanked Monet yet, has he?" The blond chuckled and then took a sip of his blood red wine.

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