We're Moving? - 2

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When Frankie got home she went straight to the bathroom to look at her injuries. Her nose stomach and back were bruised, (damn, triple homicide) she cleaned up her face as best as she could and then tackled (like Patricia tackled her) the problems her stomach and back had. 

She exited the bathroom and went straight to her room and fell on her bed, she took out her phone and opened her photos to delete the photos she had with her now ex friends 'I wish I wasn't so stupid' (same, but it is what it is).

Frankie heard her mom come back from work and picking up her younger brother Jacob. Ah Jacob, a little trouble maker he is always whining and on his tablet has no responsibilities or worries except for homework and losing his Minecraft world (low-key me but I got chores). Always annoying his older sister and doesn't clean up after himself he can be a piece of work. Frankie hates being the oldest it's too much to handle (unrelatable tbh) but she loves her brother too much so she deals with it anyway.

"Frankie come downstairs please!" She shoved her phone in her pocket and did what her mother told her to, she took her unofficial assigned seat at the dinner table (real). "I have news..." her mother said, "Is it good?" her distracted brother asked while looking through the fridge (same i'm always hungry), "Jacob get your butt over here and sit" Frankie told him he rolled his eyes and sat down anyway 'I shouldn't have taught him how to do that' she thought.

Hopefully the news is good to you two" her mom Diane sighed, she had Straight dark brown hair unlike her daughter who had curly red hair and freckles. Frankie doesn't know how her mom can deal with Jacob, she comes home from her job as a secretary which has her taking care of people who act like Jacob all day and she has to come back to him? She has strength.

"We're moving", "WHAT WHY, WE'RE PERFECTLY FINE HERE!" (if I did that I'd be dead) "Do not yell at your mother Jacob" She responded. "We are moving because I found a new job with better pay. It would best to move there entirely instead of leaving you two with Nana and Papa" Frankie understood perfectly but Jacob on the other hand not so much.

"But what about my friends am I just gonna leave them!" "Jacob I'm sorry but you'll have to tell them you're not going to be hanging out this summer and that you won't see them next school year" Jacob slammed his hand on the table "I HATE YOU, I WANNA STAY I DON'T WANNA LEAVE MY FRIENDS AND NANA AND PAPA!" (stop yelling at yo mama >:[) At this point Jacob was practically sobbing and Frankie felt bad, he had friends he liked people he could relate to. Unlike her. (isn't that what the internet is for? like some of y'all funny, I got more things in common with you guys then some of my friends)

 Jacob sprinted to his room crying, "Jacob! Come back please!" Frankie's mom ran to the staircase trying to get the weeping boy to come back down. "Mom, don't worry I try and talk to him you can sit back down" "Thank you Frankie" 

Frankie calmly went upstairs and knocked on Jacob's door, she noticed the worn down stickers and the sign that said "BEWARE TOXIC AWESOMENESS AHEAD"  with a radioactive symbol. "Leave me alone! I don't wanna talk!" "Jacob I know you don't want to move be we don't have choice, mom is only moving because it's what's best for us" "I don't care! I wanna stay!" "Please open the door Jacob" The door cracked open and Frankie was met with the sad face of an 8 year old boy (wait, why am I sad, I wrote this), her heart was broken she didn't want to see her brother like this sure he was annoying but she still loves him.

Frankie walked inside and sat on the floor with him making sure not to break his toys. " Why aren't you mad we're moving" "I have no friends Jacob" "Yeah you do what about that the Barbie you hang out with" Frankie snorted at the nickname "She was mean to me so I told her we weren't friends anymore" "Oh... Sorry" "It's fine Jacob" there was quiet for a few minutes this was one of the only times there was quite between the two. "Do you want to get your tablet?" He shook his head "Do you want me to get it for you?" He nodded. Frankie went downstairs to get his tablet that was in his bag, then she saw her mom asleep on the couch. She sighed then went back upstairs to Jacob's room and saw him trying not to fall asleep. " You wanna go to bed?" He nodded "Ok" She carried her younger brother and tucked him in his bed putting his tablet on his desk "Good night" "Night Jacob" "Love you" "I love you too" she kissed him on the forehead head the closed the door and went downstairs.

 She ate some leftovers from yesterday, washed the dishes and cleaned up the table. Then threw the blanket over her mom tucking her in and quietly said goodnight. She walked upstairs to her room and flopped on her bed but soon realized that wasn't the best thing because she still had injuries. (How did her mom not notice her nose or her wincing in pain? idk bro you asking the wrong person I'm tired) Before she fell asleep she let the thought sink in. 

We're moving?

That's it for today. If I feel good I might upload another chapter (Incorrect I did NOT upload another chapter) thank you to the four viewers who read my book (way more than that now). Let me know what I should improve on this is my first book and let me know any suggestions please and thank you.

This is what Frankie looks like I drew this awhile ago. I might draw the others idk. (Newsflash I didn't)

As always have a day full of wonder

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As always have a day full of wonder. Bye 👋🏿

Edit: btw that's not what she looks like anymore I changed my style...again - Sep 10th


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