Chapter 5

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Ran's POV **Fourth Period**

Since it's free period I decided to work on that jumping trick I did it out if the window, when I had the ninja suit on. Maybe I'll train a little too, maybe go into my Nomicon.

I go climb into a tall tree. And try to jump out and stick the landing. But here's the problem, I didn't stick the landing, I fell flat on my back!

"Ow..." I groan.

I climb back up in the tree to try again. I fail. Third time? Fail! It takes me at least twenty tries to actually stick he landing, but I do a twenty-first try just to make sure. I stick the landing!

"Wow." Randy says. "Good job, I could never do that."

"Oh of course you could, it just takes practice." I say.

"No seriously, I'm not good at flips and stuff." Randy says.

"Where's Howard?" I ask.

"In math class, I just came out here to..." Randy starts.

"To what?" I ask.

"To...enjoy the...the sun?" He says.

"You skipped class to look at the sun?" I ask.

"Yeah..." Randy says.

"Look Randy...I know..." I say.

" know what?" Randy says. He's getting nervous.

"You know..." I say.

"Know what!" Randy says.

"That your..." I say.

"That I'm what?" Randy says.

"That your the ninja. The red ninja." I say.

"You know too much." Randy says.

The takes out his Nomicon and shloops me into it. He shloops himself into it as well.

We appear in a hall. With a big door saying, 'The Ultimate Lesson,' at the end of the hall.

"Randy...why are we here?" I ask.

"Because you need to go in that door, you need to forget." Randy says.

I need to forget...forget! He's going to mind wipe me!

"Randy I promise I'll keep your secret...just don't mind wipe me...please..." I say.

"If you get mind wiped, you will forget, everything about the ninja. You will forget who you are, you won't know that your the blue ninja."

I better not get mind wiped. I like being the blue ninja.

"I can't have anyone else know my secret." Randy says.

He picks me up and I try to fight him, but he's surprisingly strong. When we get right by he door, the only thing I can thing about doing is yelling for help...

"Con! Help! Con!" I scream.

Randy looks around..."Who are you yelling too?" He asks.

"Con." I say.

Just then Con appears in the hallway...well I'm petty sure it's him...he looks older than En.

" that you because I need help!" I yell. He has dark green hair and hazel eyes, he looks a lot like En.

"Hey first ninja." Randy says.

"First ninja?" I ask. "More like oldest ninja."

"Put her down." Con says. And Randy drops me.

"Hello Ran."

It's a different voice this time! Is it Con's?

"You know you can talk out loud right?" I ask.

"Yeah I know." Con says.

"How can you get into my head!" I ask. "Is it just people who were in the Norisu nine, or can everyone?"

"Just people in the Norisu nine." Con says.

"So why can't I mind wipe her?" Randy says.

"Because she's...she'll tell you when the time is right." Con says.

"She can tell me now." Randy says.

The wall collapses and soon we're out of the Nomicon.

"What was that for? Trying to mind wipe me in the Nomicon?" I say.

"I panicked okay?" Randy says. "You know what? I'll forget this if you forget it."

"Okay, deal." I say.

Randy's POV **Game whole after school**

"Howard, Ran knows." I say.

"About what?" He asks.

"My secret." I say.

"What did you do this time Cunningham?" Howard asks.

"I sort have shlooped her into the Nomicon and tried to mind wipe her. But then the first ninja showed up and stopped me." I say.

"Clever. But how'd she figure it out before?" Howard says.

"She just...figured it out." I say.

"Wow." Howard says. "Oh watch out she's right over there."

I see her playing one of the games, grave puncher four.

"I'm gonna go talk to her." I say.

"Okay good luck." Howard says. I walk is over to Ran.

"Hey Ran." I say.

"Oh hey Randy." She says.

"You know that thing that happened...a couple hours ago?" I ask.

"What thing?" Ran asks.

"I know I told you never to speak of it and to forget it." I say. "But I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry I lied to you and I'm hoping you can forgive me."

"I forgive you." Ran says.

I walk away and do my victory dance, she notices and I start blushing.

"Howard?" I ask.

"What?" He asks.

"I need to tell you something." I say.

"Me too. But I'm going first." Howard says.

"Okay fine." I say. "What do you want to tell me? That your hungry?"

"Yeah...I am. Buy me food!" Howard says. "What did you want to tell me?" Howard says.

"I...I have a crush on Ran." I say.

He starts laughing...he's laughing! I'm serious about this!

"Howard I'm being serious." I say.

"Oh...sorry." Howard says.

"And I want to ask her out...I just don't know how!" I say.

"I do." Howard says.

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