Start from the beginning

"Aww, take me with you! Where are you going?", Sahadev still leached towards Maitriraj who shook his head saying,"I'm sure your brothers would like to spend time with you. Go ahead. I still need to meet with the other Kings!" Sahadev pouted but stomped his leg on the floor saying,"No! Take me with you!" Vasusen shook his head saying,"Don't be a brat! Get going with your brothers!"

But The others looked at Sahadev in shock when he sat on the floor, wailing like a child by kicking his feet and hands.
Vasusen shook his head in embarassment scolding,"Why you little ant? Stop this Sahadev, you're embarassing yourself!" When the little Pandav didn't, Vasusen took a deep breath saying,"Alright! Alright! Fine, come with me! When did you become a brat!?"

Jumping happily, Sahadev grinned brightly saying,"Oh it's all your fault. I stayed with you for a week, didn't I?" Vasusen felt damn guilty. Yudhisthir, Bheem and Nakul looked at Sahadev almost yearningly and longingly. They have never seen the younger, this much happy and childish.

He tried to put some space between him and Sahadev, but it seems like the little Pandav entered his rebellious phase of life. He smiled with genuine happiness and sweetness making Vasusen say,"Alright! I'm going to meet with Ujjain King and I want you in a best behaviour!" Sahadev saluted saying,"Yes your Majesty! Now come fast! We've to meet the king! You're so irresponsible!" Vasusen gave one formal smile to the standing Pandavas before let himself dragged away by Sahadev who didn't even look at his brothers direction.

Panduputr Arjun had his eyes narrowed almost disgustingly when he saw the grown up King stealing butter from the kitchens of Hastinapur. "Madhav! For Heaven sake, stop being a child and come outside. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?", he sneered at his cousin who gave one charming smile towards Arjun saying,"Parth, live your life a little! You'll definitely age soon if you keep on barking like that. See me, how peaceful and calm I'm?".

"Mahadev! Someone should save me from you!", Arjun prayed but his eyes squinted in irritation when he saw Vasusen, Sahadev, Anuvindh, Yuyutsu and Duryodhan laughing with each other drinking fresh buttermilk. Not caring about his cousin, he marched towards the laughing guys and called out,"Sahadev, what are you doing here alone? Where are our brothers?"

Sahadev resisted his urge to roll his eyes. But still softly said,"I dunno Bhrata! Search for them. They're not children to get lost, aren't they? And for your information, I'm not at all alone! I'm here in the company of these people"

"These people! I can very well see these people, Sahadev! Now come with me, let's go to our brothers! They'll be worried!", Arjun said pulling his little brother's hand only to get his hand thrown off and a glare. Arjun felt humiliated. Did his younger brother just disrespected him in front of that bloody Sutputr? He was about to scold Sahadev when a voice from behind said,"Hello my little Cousin. How nice to meet you!"

"MADHAV!", Sahadev exclaimed jumping on his cousin. His cousin looked at him with amusement. Never ever he saw Sahadev this much hyper. Nevertheless he was happy to see him happy. "Hello! You're not there to welcome me! I'm angry with you!", the dark-skinned man said ruffling the young boy's hair affectionately. Sahadev slapped his cousin's hands off but hurriedly said,"Hey Madhav! Meet Kauravas, Ashwa and Maitriraj!"

"Guys, you already know, but this is my cousin and King of Dwaraka Vasudev!", he excitedly introduced to his small friends group. And finally Vasudev and Vasusen met each other. The King of Maitri scanned the man carefully. Dressed in peacock blue outfit, decorated with heavy ornaments, his dark skin glistened under the glowing lamps of Hastinapur. The smile emitted serenity but his eyes did not. It's full of mischief and mirth.

"King of Maitri? Ah finally we meet each other!", Madhav smiled pleasantly at Vasusen who grinned at the man asking,"Is jewellery enough or should I give you some more, King of Dwaraka?" Understanding the tease, Madhav gave a laugh but the third Pandav didn't take it fine. He angrily asked,"What did you say? How dare you disrespect my cousin? Unlike you, he's not from lower caste"

Vasusen shook his head in disappointment. He looked at his friends silencing them while Madhav exclaimed,"Parth, he was just being playful. Why are you taking offense? Chill down, will you!?" Arjun held his hand saying,"No, now come with me! I don't want you to talk with them, especially him!" Vasusen glared at the young guy before him sharply asking,"Do you want me to drag you through the streets of Hastinapur, Arjun?"

"Oh I dare you! So you think I'll stay silent until you drag me! I'll kill you for sure!", Arjun roared at the King of Maitri only to get several swords pointed at his neck. The soldiers of Maitri and Senapati already had Arjun under their furious gaze. How dare this fanatic Prince threaten their King? Before Arjun could take his sword, Madhav exclaimed,"Calm down! Calm down everyone! God Arjun, just apologise and make the situation easier. You have no right to disrespect the King like that!"

"I won't apologise! I am a Prince!", Arjun stubbornly said making Sahadev say,"Just apologise already, don't be fanatic. It wouldn't take much time for him to punish you brutally!" Arjun gritted his teeth angrily but mumbled a small apology rushing away from everyone.

"He's getting more matured!", Duryodhan muttered to himself glaring hatefully at Arjun's silhouette fading away into darkness. Madhav took a deep breath almost exasperatedly making Vasusen say,"Just follow him, will you? He have worst type of temper!" Madhav shook his head but sat on Sahadev's seat saying,"No need. If I follow him, he'll think what he did was right, which is not! He needs to realise his mistake, and now I heard something about you that hurt me so much!"

"Me? Pray tell me, whatever you heard?", Vasusen asked raising his eyebrows at Madhav who seriously asked,"Everyone said you're better prankster than me, which hurt me so much! Nobody can take that title from me! Nobody had ever took that title from me!"

Duryodhan rolled his eyes while Ashwathama chuckled. Vasusen shrugged saying,"What to do, Madhav? Seems like you lost your touch in pranks! Well, I feel sorry for you truly!" Sahadev looked at both the kings and his face scrunched in irritation when he saw pure childishness crossing their faces. He looked at others who rolled their eyes in exasperation but still enjoying the banter between King of Dwaraka and King of Maitri.

"Please don't be childish! This is Dushala's marriage!", Sahadev's pleading fell on deaf ears. Both the kings had determination shining in their eyes and finally Madhav exclaimed,"Alright! Let's fight for the title! By tomorrow evening, who have more points in pranks will behold the title of "The Best Prankster in Aryavart!"

"You're on!", Vasusen folded his arms arrogantly mirroring Madhav who smirked back at him. "So, Sahadev will be the judge of this competition!", Duryodhan announced making the last Pandav to choke his buttermilk. "What in the name of Heavens! I'll not be the judge of these childish competition!"

"Shut up! You are the most honest person we could get! Don't be a baby and take the responsibility!", Ashwathama said making Sahadev groan. Mahadev should save him from this. He said,"Alright fine! Just don't taint your reputation, then none of the Princess will marry you both!"

"Don't worry! You'll search for a good wife for me if I taint my reputation, Little ant!", Vasusen said suppressing his laughter on seeing the young boy's eyes widening comically. "I'm out! I think I'll go and torture Subhadra. You guys are....so childish!" Saying so, he ran away leaving everyone there laughing at him.


Hi guys! This is your author Shruti. How are you all?

Finally we're in Dushala's marriage. Vasusen and Vasudev met! Who'll win the prank competition? Comment below.

Don't forget to vote and comment. It means a lot. And I'm getting well. Thanks for the many sweet messages.

See you soon,
Yours affectionately,
Your author,

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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