Sayori's Bio

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Sayori Yūrei




(Remember, this is how I imagine her to look

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(Remember, this is how I imagine her to look.)


- Kaioken (1-5) (Unlocked)

- Kaioken (6-20) (Locked)

- Potential Unleashed (Locked)

- God Ki Potential Unleashed (Locked)

- Ultra Instinct Sign (Locked)

Sayori Yūrei is seen mostly as an ordinary Earthling within Conton City as she looks weak to the public eye. Having a neutral and laid back attitude, she is mostly seen as someone who is often tired and lazy, which isn't too far from the truth. Because of her staying up long nights for her usual training and late night studying, she prefers to remain quite relaxed and not think too often.

She is quite efficient when it comes to close quarter combat as she has an blue pole that allows itself to extend upon command, though she can fight with her fists as well if needed. She is flexible and agile, as her body tends to move on its own as she never really thinks when it comes to fighting, seeming like as if she does have multiple openings, though when it comes to her using the Kaioken, she does need to focus. She would only use the Kaioken if it was required, but due to her being trained under the Elder Kai, she is on her way into unlocking her potential if she has any.

Though due to her being lazy and tired most of the time, she could even be clumsy at some points, even struggling to make proper friends as she always sounds like she doesn't want any, while in actuality, she does want friends, which is hard to come by. She however has a bit of a disdain towards Saiyans specifically as they always get the more overpowered transformations and things like that, which makes her want to distance herself from most Saiyans in general. Whether it be a form of jealousy, or just finding them rather obnoxious, she does everything she could to remain out of their way. 

However as of recently, while the Time Patrol is working on taking care of different threats, it didn't mean that they had everything under control. The Supreme Kai of Time is still assembling a team to deal with the likes of Towa, there was another strange anomaly that was taking place, and she thought that Sayori was fit for the task. Whether she liked it or not, she has no choice but to traverse into unknown territory filled with anomalies and survey what she could figure out. Thus begun Sayori's journey into the unknown Timeline and her job of surveying what the anomalies are and ensure that it doesn't break and leak into other Timelines.

Note that this story essentially takes place within MonarchChaos's story called "My Xenoverse Adventure", though I am not directly getting involved within his story necessarily, I am going to make references or allude to certain things. However, according to him, there will be certain characters that belong to some of his other friends, so I cannot include some characters unless I get specific permission to do so. But as for the story, I am going to include Vtubers into this story, as I am a Vtuber story writer mostly. Though I will cover on that kind of thing once I actually get to the main part of the story where it starts to play an importance. 

As since I am making an Earthling character instead of a Saiyan as most people prefer to do, I am taking an alternative route to how she could potentially become quite strong in her own rights. However, it is only further on into the story where she starts to unlock God Ki, but there is one thing I want to clarify that is a bit of a misconception. Ultra Instinct, while considered a transformation by most of the fandom, it is actually more of a technique, as much as Whis has stated within both the Manga and the Anime. Saiyans technically have more transformation based forms to adjust and improve their battle power tenfold. So because Sayori doesn't think much in a fight and her body just reacts on its own most of the time until she needs to properly think to do things, she does have the potential of learning such a technique, but she'll need a grasp on God Ki first to accomplish it. 

So with that out of the way, I really do hope you're ready for the Prologue as I will release it soon, so I'll see you in the future updates!

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