A/N Headcannons and characters info

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HEEEEEWWWWOOOOOO!! So I forgot to add this in the beginning so bear with me. If you can't tell this is a Tsc x Red book but the other ships such as Blue x Yellow and Green x Purple will be there too. Also everyone is an Adult. This book takes place in Stick City so no Alan 😢.

TSC(or Second): 

23 years old

Pronouns are he/him

Second tallest in the group( behind Green) and lean but strong

Loves to draw, paint anything to do with art. Also likes to read a bit and sleep a lot.

Has slight anger issues and has sleeping problems such as sleepwalking and night terrors.

More oblivious to Reds crush on him than Adrien which causes this book to happen.


21 years old

Pronouns are he/him

Shortest and youngest in the group and a little bit on the too skinny side but still physically fit and healthy.

Loves to care for animals and fight 

Has depression, anxiety and used to have an eating disorder( that's why he's skinny)

Has HUGE crush on Second


24 years old

Pronouns are he/they

Third shortest in the group and agile though not as agile as Green

Loves to engineer and work with tech and computer stuff

Has anxiety and wears glasses 

Blues fiancé 


23 years old

Pronouns they/them

Third tallest (for reference taller than yellow but shorter than Second)

Loves to cook and experiment with new recipes and try them out on his friends

Slightly dyslexic and has weird addiction to netherwarts

Yellows fiancé 


24 years old

Pronouns he/him

Tallest of the group strong and agile 

Loves to build and create also loves to listen and create music( he's in a band called the Drum Sticks)

Almost deaf in one ear(stood to close to a speaker and mic feedback)

Seconds former fiancé but currently dating Purple


22 years old 

Pronouns he/they

Loves dancing and singing(is in Greens band) also loves to garden 

Suffers mental trauma from abusive dad

Dating Green 

Mango Tango(M.T)

51 years old

Pronouns he/him

Loves cooking and is a content creator 

Suffers from depression after losing gold

Married to Minty (my oc)

Purples adopted dad

Minty (my oc)

49 years old 

Animal rights protester and content creator( she and mango help manage the channel named AnimalGlitter)

Schizophrenia sufferer and conduit for lady Irene

Married to mango

Purples adopted mom 

I won't put headcannons for the Lady Irene( who will come in later) and Herobrine because they are not important rn and I'm out of energy. Anyways I hope you can understand the characters better and know some more stuff. Ciao and I Harry Potter broomstick away WHEEEEEEEE!!

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