Chapter 17 [It is a yes, Mr. Aaryan Singhania.]

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Thankyou for your precious patience. I know you guys were waiting for the chapter. So, here it is. 

Ishaan's POV

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Ishaan's POV

It's Tuesday today, and I am heading towards the school with my three friends. Yes, it's three now cause Nicole has been added to our group and well she is fun, to say the least. 

We reached the school in about 30 mins only to head straight towards our respective classes. And today is the biology test *sigh.* I went towards my first class which was chemistry. 

After four long ass classes, it was recess. I went towards our usual spot which was the school garden. Rudra and Nicole was already there while Kiara was coming towards the table from the back door. We all sat together, and hopefully today the quad was not here as they were busy with their football practice for the upcoming game on Sunday. 

The bell rang indicating all of us to go. We bid byes to each other before I walked towards the biology class. 

I opened the gate and sat on my usual seat focusing on the notes that rested on the table. The bell rang and the professor entered the classroom but then the sliding door pushed open only to reveal the one and only whom I am trying to ignore for almost 24 hours now. He has been constantly messaging me but I haven't seen any, neither replied. 

I turned my gaze towards the professor trying so hard to resist that hazel stare piercing my head, because I know he is watching. 

The professor commented, "Mr. Singhania your late." He was disgusted to say the least. He just rolled his eyes and sat on his seat. I turned my head straight again. 

The test finally started, and I knew all the questions except one. Well, I knew that too but it wasn't that clear, although I still wrote the answer which could have been the most accurate. 

The bell rang and the students head towards their next class. The class emptied in minutes but he was sitting on his seat, observing my actions. I packed my things up and walked towards the door. 

Just when I was about to slide it; he stated, "Ishaan." My breath hitched cause he has said my name for the first time, and well I am not getting any good vibes right now. 

I turned around, facing him. He walked towards me, one hand in his pocket while the other resting straight. Eyes having that intense look, dominating; while the face has no expressions. He walked and walked until we are just centimetres apart. 

He said with that dark yet monotone voice, "Not really playing the ignoring game baby, are we?"

I shook my head slightly, and in a swift movement he bent me down on the table. My hands resting on the table while he is standing behind me. He said with roughness and aggression dripping from his voice, "Words or I'll take you right fucking here Mi lev." 

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