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Chapter Two.

Looking past the sunrise, he saw a glinting glass panel. There it was, Basakara, the village of the rising and setting sun.

It was strategically placed, reflecting the sun when it rose or set at the highest tower. The people there were welcoming. How did he know all this? He didn't know.

Trudging across the riverbed, he spotted a bridge not far off. If he hadn't gotten onto the shore when he did, he may have died. Shivers went down his spine as he realised how lucky he was.

Approaching the old bridge, he cautiously tested the wooden planks. They creaked and groaned under the weight of his foot, but didn't fall. Light purple hyacinths grew in clumps around the base of the bridge, making it smell like absolute heaven.

He clutched his money, and watching as a small hare scuttled by him. Hares were one of the most mischievous shunjins, known for being thieves. He groaned, realising that the important part of his memory remained obscure, but he kept remembering random bits of information.

Before he knew it, he was at the gates of the most beautiful city in Aelita.

Through the huge iron gates, he could see a cobbled road that was lined with huge sunflowers. Sprays of tuberose and jasmine bloomed at the outside of the gate. The scent of flowers, strangely, didn't overwhelm him, but instead made him feel right at home.

He bent down to smell one of the jasmine bushes, only to be interrupted by a guard.

"Koray? What are you doing here?" his voice was breathy when he spoke, almost as if he had been running. He turned around swiftly. "Y-youve been.. Exiled?" the guard questioned.

His eyes quickly scanned the man in front of him. He was tall, taller than him. He had short blonde hair, and the tag on his shirt said.. "Xela?"

His face lit up with a smile. "That's right! You remember me don't you? Y-you helped me get with my wife! You finally visited!" Koray smiled hesitantly. He did not, in fact, remember him.

Getting up, he patted Xela on the back and motioned towards the gates. "Can I go in? I need some things to eat and well... You know.. ", he pointed at his soot black crest.

Xela's eyes widened, as he nodded. " You may want to hide that though...Most of the exiled are traitors. I'm sure you're not but.. " his voice trailed off. Koray froze. There it was, that word. 'Traitor'. Was he a traitor? He didn't know.

He shrugged it off and laughed nervously. "Of course not! Let's.. Let's go in now!" His new "friend" opened the gate and let him into the village.

Each of the buildings were around two-stories tall. The scent of fresh baked bread fills the market street along with the lazy fragrance of lavender. Xela lead him to a small house with a clay roof and wisteria draped over the walls.

"This is my home. Come inside! Raki and the kids would love to see you!" he grinned. He smiled back politely, not sure if he would like to go in.

As soon as the door opened, a cacophony of noises were thrown at him. The laughter of young children, and the concerned voice of a woman filled the small dining room. As soon as the door creaked open, all the faces turned to them.

"Papa!" a young girl cried out, and rushed to hug him. A young boy followed her , whereas the older one stayed with his mother, who waved at him. Xela had picked up both of his younger children and kissed Raki softly on her lips. She smiled and kissed him back.

"Hi honey, who's this?" she looked at Koray and asked. He extended his hand and smiled. "I'm Koray, Ambassador of Asterlayna. What a lovely family you've got here. " He didn't know where the words came from, but they did.

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